- 4 : Regrets -

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"Ang cute niya!"

Apparently, while squealing this, Sienna slammed her palms on the desk. Thank goodness, James made the walls as sound-proof as possible, else people probably would've thought there was an argument ensuing. Opening her eyes, she found her friends trying to hold in their laughter. 

"Anong nakakatawa?!" she asked, plopping down on her seat. "Wala!" Sonia replied, letting out a chuckle, "It's just na...", she turned to James to continue her explanation---

"You sound like a lovesick high school girl, sis. I mean, naging ganyan ka naman, and college ka lang ngayon, so," the cafe's owner followed it with a laugh, "Now spill the tea on how you two met again, for like, the second time! Second? Third? Ano ba talaga? Since nag-meet kayo ulit noong high school, which was after kinder ninyo, tapos...". The pair of friends were basically giving their third friend the puppy-eye treatment by now, and so, without further ado, Sienna began her tale, "Naalala ninyo noong na-lost ako, and I ended up in the...".


Her pupils adjusted to the light in her room, which was once just an extra room in James's house. The ceiling stared at her, and she stared back. "Congrats, Jandog, another five-minute nap..." she groaned, grabbing her cuddle pillow. 

Sienna's arms hugged it tightly, as her figure rolled to her right side. Her mind wanted to sleep, yet the fog of yesterday's events clouded her thoughts. 

The way Asher smiled at her, the way they went to Marx Hall...

"Kung gusto mo, ihatid kita papunta sa cafe. I'd like to check it out too anyway."

"Ihatid kita", those two words made her blush ever so obvious and seeable, that should one look closely, it would be seen in the dark. She would only hear those words on telenovelas, when the date between leads would come to a close, the next scene would most probably be them kissing each other 'good night', as they part ways at the female lead's ho---

The economist covered her face with a pillow. 

"What am I thinking?!" her muffled voice cried out, not wanting to wake up her friends, alongside the neighbors; she knew well that her voice could easily boom through the halls and windows in moments like these, "I should really get something... a glass of water might let me sleep...".

Despite the grogginess she felt, Sienna forced herself to get up, only to see the gentle glint of sundew sneaking through her window. 

The sun was seen in the sky. It was 7:30 A.M already, and she didn't get proper sleep, "P*tik.".

Her black hair, albeit being messy, fell down somewhat gracefully on her shoulder as she buried her face in her hands. She was ever so fazed by yesterday, by him, that she hated it. 'Why did I have to start the year with this? Embarrassment and all... I regret it so m...' she thought to herself, grumbling out of frustration towards her emotions, 'This is just like SHS all over again... and junior high school too.'.

Speaking and thinking of the past, crystalline tears began to form in grey orbs; Sienna couldn't help but let out a whimper as the regrets of her past come rushing back to her like a tsunami. Fleeting feelings dance around her mind, taunting her, with the screams of the past filling her mind.

Emotions overwhelming her, it was like she became deaf, because when the economist opened her eyes, she found her two friends sitting next to her, on both sides. "Okay ka lang...?" Sonia and James asked simultaneously, yet ever so gently. The sun kissed their foreheads as they put their hands on Sienna's two shoulders, reassuring her.

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