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Losing a mom is a feeling you can't describe. I can't think of anything to compare it to . But what I can say is if you were raised on love you can get through it. What is it like losing a mother ?
It's hard , it's the worst thing you could ever imagine ..
What is it like losing a mother?
I'll tell you today and forever It wasn't easy I cried and cried cried not at the same time , just when I thought of those happy times.
What is it like losing a mother?
Losing a mother feels like you have lost apart of yourself! Moms come in different shapes and different sizes but they all have the same heart! Despite any circumstances a Mother's love can never be replaced .. I miss my mom every single day.. I pray everyday for strength for guidance for faith! Can you believe it? I pray for faith shouldn't I already have it?
Faith that everything will be ok..
what is it like? Losing a mother you said?
It's the worst thing you can ever endure ..
but I can say this! I was blessed with a God fearing hardworking mother, I was blessed to have had the opportunity to be apart of my mom's life! She created me I was apart of her! It's like having a Broken foot.. you break it , but it never really heals properly it just looks nice on the surface that's kinda what it's like , the inside will forever be torn. But the surface will come back together! I will try my best to have my mom's strength and fearless spirit! I will try my best to love as my mom Once loved! From holding her hand until she passed to screaming when the time here on earth expired . God I prayed I prayed real hard! But I Know that you needed her loving caring bubbly spirit more! She always said when I'm not here you'll see .. what is it like losing a mother? It's tough extremely tough but if you hold on to everything she taught you! You'll make away that surface will be sparkly! It's okay to feel a life time of pain just a little because you miss her .. don't hurt to long she won't like that! Hurt because you miss her here physically but smile because you know she's here spiritually so lastly what is it like you ask? TUH I can't describe the exact feeling but you can never prepare for it.. I love you mom now forever and after that! Until we meet again :)

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