Happy birthday mom (2022 version ) Decemeber 9 1960

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Many days I take long walks and think to myself GOD why me? GOD are you sure? Is this really the life you created for me GOD .. with you I know anything is possible but damn ! I scream sometimes I hate you sometimes I fill sick to my stomach because why did you think I can handle this? WHHHYYY ME GOD! My mental has been in shambles from the very first day hearing the news GOD I know you hear my cry's. I'm sorry for not trusting you.. I'm sorry for losing faith I'm sorry for questioning your word.. through all that anger and rage, I try my best to still live a normal life more often then not I sit and think man I'm highly favored, because many days I thought of leaving this world and you sat next to me and whispered you got this! I wouldn't put more on you then you can bare you're one of my favorite you will see why I took so much away.. my response is always I know you got me it's your way I trust you.. which is why I am still here.. and to you mom today is your birthday December 9th .. happy birthday mommy happy birthday 0she you would be so happy today all while being at work I never understood why you went to work on your birthday because sis on my birthday the world stops.. the world has to pause lol.. but most importantly thank you for being my reason thank you for being so strong thank you for always aiding me in anyway possible , thank you for being a blessing to me and others thank you , thank you. And to my readers I know this story is so confusing but it's my story it's my life I put this out because I want you to know I am human and if you're going through the same please know it's okay to mentally check out and just sit in your pain not for long! Just long enough to start the healing process I am healing not healed, this journey isn't pretty it comes with alot of ugly days but I promise we will reach better soon together!keep fighting, your purpose is bigger then your pain! 💗

Happy 62nd birthday mommy! I love and miss you!

PS sorry for any typos

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