Chapter Forty Six: If I Die

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Enjoy this with this video for the mood. :))


‘Die, you brat! I have been waiting for this for over two thousand years!’ He screamed as he pushed his weight onto my back. I could recognize that voice from a mile away. Kasper Von Chenkov, the angel that had betrayed and kidnapped my love. He now wants to kill me. I could remember so well how he betrayed me. I did not understand why I forgave him but somehow, right this moment, I felt an enormous hate burst out from within like a volcano erupting. He dares kidnap my love! He dares to harm her! All I want to do now is to kill him!

‘Kasper Von Chenkov, you dare kidnap my love! I am going to kill you!’ I shouted out loud with anger as I pushed myself up fast and threw him back down to the floor. He grunted aloud. Quickly, I swirled around to find Shane. I need to check if she is hurt. I need to make sure that if she is alright. As my eyes fell on to her, she was already fighting with those angels herself. Her body move fluidly with profession and she knew exactly what she is doing. I flash of relief cover me and I couldn’t help but sigh. But when my eyes caught her shiny tears, anger arose once again. Why is she crying? Did that bastard do something to her? Whatever it is, I want him dead!

I turned back to face Kasper and found him wiping the blood on his face and glaring at me. A smirk spread across his face as he caught the anger in my eyes. I wanted so badly to punch him but I know that with this weak human body of mine, my punch is nothing to him. But if I use my power on him, that would be a different story. A smirk spread across my face, as I knew that what would happen to him if I use my powers. His wicked crest fell as his eyes glow with realization.

I stood up and let my power grow within me but I make sure that I didn’t exert this body too much. The power grew barely twenty percent when I felt an aching pain hit into my chest. I knew that is there would be little this body could take but I never knew that it could only take that little. Never mind that, this twenty percent should be able to kill him. I pushed out my mind to all those creatures in the room except for my brother and my love. I had not forgotten about Lian. I could hear them screamed in pain as they fell to the ground. A shocking feel of pleasure pulse through my body as I watch them feel my pain for nearly losing my love. Kasper fell to his knees in pain but I could see him pulled out the small dagger at his waist. He crawled towards me in pain and eyes filled with anger but I took every pleasure watching him crawled like a dog towards his grave. He held my leg with one hand, his grip was weak, and he is dying. His aura blinks as he no longer shine with silver but like a light bulb ready to blow, it blinks. The grin on my face grew as I took in the sight of this weak man. He will pay for what he had done to my love. Whatever it is that had made her cry, he would pay for it!

‘No, Damian!’ I heard a sweat, sweat voice broke into my anger, bringing love and fear into me. I turned to face her but I felt a jabbing pain in my chest. Blood begin to ooze out and my body begins to weaken. I looked down at the sword that had jabbed straight through me and followed my eyes to the hands of my murderer. My eyes came into contact with his and I couldn’t help myself but felt no surprise. I should have known. He is not someone that I could trust. All these time, it was a trap. My murderer, Lian, had killed me in front of my love.

A smirk spread across my murderer’s face but I knew I cannot die just yet. I need to kill him to make sure of the safety of my love and my brother. I felt onto his hands tightly with all my power left. I inject all my remaining power left into his body like a venom burning into my prey’s body. He fell to his knees with me in pain. His eyes turned white as I gaze with my Angel’s Glare at him. After a second later, he burned from his core and turned into dust.

Relief whoosh over me and I fell down to the floor feeling very tired. I could no longer feel the pain in my wounds and my eyes are begging me to close. I could no longer feel my limps and my breath are coming short.

I felt a warm sensation on my arm which was the only thing that I could feel. My eyes move to see hers, tearing with like pearls. She held my hand and rubbed her face against it with eyes filled with despair. I wanted so badly to wipe those tears away. How I wish she would only smile but I would never be able to see to it again. Somehow, I know that this would be the last time I would see her.

If I die, I wish that the bond between us would be broken and she would not have to follow me until death. I do not wish for her to be like Sebastian, but I wish for her to move on and live a happier and less painful life. How I wish I could tell her how much I love her. But I could no longer do it. All I could say was this. ‘Smile.’ I said to her. She nodded and smiled unwillingly, her eyes filled with tears and they were falling like raindrops.

Darkness engulfed me into this unknown world. There will be no more me. My father’s scheme will no longer use me to hurt them. I am sorry to my brothers and sisters for I have failed you all. I have failed to prove to father and I have failed to be a good brother. I have failed to all, as I am such a useless brat. But please, help me watch over my love, help me watch over Shane…..


This isn't the end yet. :))

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