The Devil's Son: I Am No Angel

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He couldn't care less about the myth and the stories of his true father. He was reincarnated for so many times he has lost count. And all of that was his punishment. He was so sick of remembering and forgetting it again and again and again. He has just past seventeen and he couldn't care for anyone, he felt the nothingness in his heart. Knowing this punishment will not stop, knowing this will repeat again and again just because he defied his very own father.

He look straight down at the sea wave thrashing against the sharp rocks, he is just waiting for his time to turn. To turn into something so with so much hate, he would even kill his own human parents. He could remember every single time, China, Russia, London, Persia, now once again here in Manchester he have to go through the pain of turning back, the annoying whispers of hell. He had to kill himself before he turns, because he knew if he ever turns, he would no longer have the feeling that his father had never have before, that it love.

Gracefully, he spread his arms open and looks straight up to the grey sky, feels the breeze blowing and brushing his shaggy black hair to the back. At any moment now, he would jump and he did without hesitation. He ran towards the edge and leap with his hands wide open, letting the wind blow against his bare chest. He could feel the wind on his face, brushing against his body, and there was a sharp pain. He was flat on the floor, paralyze with pain aching through every part of his body, yet somehow he felt as though this had happen before, he was already immune to pain. He could hear his own heart beat slowly beating, every beat became slower and slower. The waves thrash on to him, sweeping him into the sea. He was tumbling here and there as the wave kept coming, but his eyes was shut, he could no longer feel any pain, all but the darkness and quietness. It was peaceful. But just before he could slip away to his death, a thought came through his mine, 'Will this ever end?' He asked.

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