Chapter Six: Allure

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Quietly, he walked himself to the studies, where Dominic is. He didn’t have to ask Carlisle for direction because he, himself is so clear about this place. This place was once his home. Sadly, it no longer is his, it is now Dominic’s. What pains him more is realizing that his father, mother, and Leana had all died when the enemies found out that they were hiding here, they all died in this very hallway.

He push the same wooden door open and walks into the study, at the same time, picturing his father, the King, sat down on his desk reading a book with his glasses on. He turned and saw Dominic staring out at the window as he cleans his gun with a black cloth. ‘Took you long enough.’ Dominic said coldly. Damian didn’t reply, he wanted to hiss at him and smash his head onto a wall for sleeping in his parents’ room, sitting on his father’s chair. But he knew better than to do so. ‘Carlisle said you seem troubled. Did you remember something?’ Dominic asked.

‘I remember enough to know that I am a Prince here who died at the age of seventeen.’ Damian said with a fierce tone. Clearly, Damian was holding back his anger but he did not know why he was so angry. Dominic did him no harm but his body was still begging to smash somebody’s head or snapping somebody’s neck. ‘Do you remember why you killed yourself?’ Dominic asked. And then Damian realize why was he angry, because he couldn’t make out why he wanted to kill himself, he could only remember the memories of their happiness, sadness and even the tiny argument he had with his sister, Leana but he just couldn’t remember why he killed himself. ‘No.’ Damian said coldly.

Dominic wipes his gun and the gun reflects the light from the window, giving a glittering fill to the gun as though it was shining. He took a few steps closer Damian without making any noise or giving any of his sarcastic chat. But somehow his aura was very different. It was like he was burning with red flames, and he was dangerous. Damian’s heart was pumping real heart, not because he was afraid, but because he was angry, impatient, he couldn’t stand the quietness, the dangerous aura Dominic is giving him for no good reasons. All Damian wants is answers, and he wants it fast. Then, Dominic sighed which broke the silence. ‘As you know, you are a half angel and half devil. That makes you the son of a devil. You had once lived in the Underworld but your crazy ideals had made the Devil himself angry and banished you out of the Underworld into this human world. Your punishment was to kill whoever you loved at the age seventeen, you would remember what happened in all your pass lives and the one in the Underworld as well, then, you would turn.’ Dominic made it real brief which Damian was all prepared for a long winded story. Damian blinked and blinked again and then laughed out loud.

‘That’s all?’ Damian asked sarcastically.

‘Yap.’ Dominic answered seriously but Damian didn’t believe and so he repeated his question. ‘At least that was all I know.’ Dominic added.

Damian shook his head and laughed again. ‘You drag me all the way here and giving me all that serious look and then stupid aura of yours just to tell me that?’ Damian asked. Dominic nodded honestly. ‘Well, great, haha, real funny. I am getting the fuck out of here!’ Damian spat and storm straight back to the car parked at the front of the castle.

             But before Damian could jump into the driver seat, he was pulled back by his shoulders and flung into a distant that is impossible for human to do. Shock pulse through Damian’s vein, adrenaline rushes through his body as he is still in midair flying with his front facing the opposite direction until he felt an aching pain rush through his spine. He grunted and immediately fell to the ground as he hears the stone rubbles fell. With anger Damian pulled himself up while ignoring the piercing ache on his back starring at the direction where Dominic should appear but no, it was all black, his surroundings were nothing but tress. Wait, he was thrown into the forest that surrounds the castle? No, that’s not right, that’s just too far! But it was the fact, Damian could smell the damp mud on the floor, and the wet air that was supposed to be fresh smelt like decomposing bodies.

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