White Warrior - 2.

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Whoa, tried my best, again:P(sorry if there are mistakes;). I said before I wait until the Dutch version is finished but I'm afraid if I don't put up some more chapters my story will end up somewhere at the bottom(or something:P). So I hope more people will find my story and read it(maybe even vote or give me a comment, that would make me very happy:P).
But anyway. Enjoy;)

* Recap *

I changed back and turned around. I felt wet, cold sand against my bare back and bottom. My pouch had survived and was still around my belly. Slowly I began to see black spots before my eyes. Moments later I closed them and let myself sink into darkness.

White Warrior - 2.

I woke up because I was extremely cold. I would almost say I was frozen, so cold. Because I lay in a gorge there was no sun here. I  sat up and felt my ribs protest. Almost completely healed but it still hurt a bit.

I started to shake and got up slowly, I felt my pouch fall off. I had to adjust the size of my belt otherwise it would rip just like my clothes if I changed into my wolf

I opened my pouch and looked in it. It was crammed otherwise it wouldn't fit in. I pulled my clothes out and put it on and shuddered because it was a bit damp. Wait damp?. It shouldn't be that way. It's supposed to be wet, very wet. I looked down and saw a print of my body on the ground.

All the sand that lay beneath me was a lot lighter in color than the sand around it. I bent over with difficulty and let my fingers go over the sand. It was dry. How long have I been here?. I pulled my shirt down on my shoulder, I looked and saw nothing. It was completely healed.

If something so deep is healed then at least a day has passed. I have to find Lindsey soon cause she's probably very concerned. We had never been away from each other for so long.

After we left a year back from our pack we traveled around. We had to run pretty far just to get out of our old territory and leave it behind us. Then we had to go through different territories from different packs. Some were okay and let us pass, some didn't and chased us.

When we traveled in free areas we searched a place to get some rest and enjoyed our freedom. Obviously someone had to work so that we had some money for food or a place to stay. Because my sister was too young to work I had to apply for a job each time. Luckily they took me quickly and I started working almost immediately.

We stayed a few weeks. If we had seen enough and done enough, we left. Meanwhile I tried to teach my sister some things I remebered from high school. She supposed to go to high school but we couldn't afford it. Let alone we had the time because we were only there for a couple of weeks and then left again like every where.

We met a pack that seemed good to join. But one of the guys couldn't keep his hands to himself. When he asked me something to do that I didn't want to, he hit me. I am not a type of girl that just let her hit by a guy even though she likes him. I told the Alpha but he didn't do much. Quite logical of course, the boy was born in the pack. Lindsey and I were rogues.

Rogues were never good news. Sometimes they attacked pack members without a reason. They were known for their aggression that has emerged from long loneliness. You could become a rogue by being shut out of or abandoned the pack by yourself. If you abandoned the pack you automatically are shut out of course. Or at least that happened to Lindsey and me.

So when the Alpha did nothing and the boy hit me again, we left. It was horrible for Lindsey because she began to feel like home there and had made some friends. I hated it too cause I didn't want to leave. But when the boy didn't stop and the Alpha wasn't planning on doing anything the decision was easely made.

I was looking for a way up but I couldn't find one. Eventually there was nothing more than having luck and I just had to climb. I attached my pouch around my waist that contained some small personal things and began to climb. It went pretty well, there were quite a few slots where my fingers and feet could hang onto or put into.

It went well until I was almost at the top. A shot of pain went through my left hand. The hand where the werewolf grabbed me and had thrown me away. I let go and regretted it immediately. My right foot had not found a place yet so I lost my balance. Before I knew it I fell backwards.

I landed hard on my back and all the oxygen left my lungs. This time pain shot through my ribs. I lay there for a while gasping for air until I finally could breathe again. 'Damn!' I swore hard.

I remained lying for a while and gave myself time to make my head a bit clearer and could properly breathe again. Then I came up slowly and brushed myself off. I looked at my fingers, some were bleeding because I cut them open while climbing. If I gave them a few minutes they would heal again.

But I didn't gave myself a few more minutes, I had to get up. At attempt number two I went a bit slower. I tried also to use my right hand more then left to prevent a new stabbing pain. He was quite thick and blue at some places. Still not completely healed.

I finally came at the top and crawled over the edge. I lay down for a while to catch my breath. Such a climb in human form takes a lot of effort. Especially if you are not secured with something and you already have fallen down.

I crawled away from the edge and stood up. Okay which direction she went to. I sniffed around and smelled a hint of roses. She was here but I could only know for sure if I changed back in my wolf form.

As human you can smell much more then a normal human would do but when you changed into a wolf you smelled so much more. And you would never see a werewolf wearing glasses. Maybe glasses without real glasses in it because they were so trendy lately, but real glasses?. No. So we see more then a normal human does. But also with smell, when you turned you saw way more than before.

So I took my clothes off and stuffed them back in my pouch which I had to adjust again. I went on hands and knees to prevent my pouch falling to my feet. Once I changed I felt the pain in my front leg and ribs again.

Normally if you change it won't hurt, it just happens. But if you are injured then you feel the pain. Everything changed off course and it grows bigger and must adapt. So when it's not okay somewhere it could hurt a bit.

As soon as I changed I sniffed the air again and caught the scent of Lindsey much clearer. Oh yeah, she was here. She smelled like mom. Mom always smelled like roses, maybe more then Lindsey does now. Lindsey loved that smell, everything that smelled of roses she had to buy. Especially when mom was gone.

Slowly I followed the scent of Lindsey and eventually I began to run. Before I started running I hadn't had the faintest idea what time it was. But I knew I had run quite some hours and let a lot of miles behind me when it started to get dark. Apparently I was awake for the afternoon otherwise it was darker than at the moment.

I caught the scent of Lindsey but also of another werewolf.  Of many others in fact. I smelled different scents and that made me a bit restless. The smell of liquorice was the strongest. It was so strong I almost could taste it. The scent of the leader was always the strongest, so it meant that the Alpha was here probably not so long ago.

The smell of liqourice and roses mixed together and I knew that Lindsey had gone to their pack. I hoped she had made the right choice. Or maybe she had no choice but was taken. I smelled no blood so it certainly had gone well if that happened.

I did not see a werewolf, nobody actually. What was quite sloppy. When I noticed that there were less trees and bushes I decided to change. I was not waiting for prying eyes and I certainly did not change in the presence of others. I did my clothes back on and walked further.

I felt soft moss tickling my feet and twigs, stones and thorns pricking. Shoes unfortunately didn't fit in the pouch. Eventually I came to the edge of the woods and saw a few feet in front of me a big lake. In the middle floated a raft and I saw some people sitting on the edge of the lake.

I immediately smelled that they were werewolves. The wind came my way so they didn't smell me fortunately. I continued walking until I heard a twig breaking behind me.

'And who do you think you are?' I heard a guy say.

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