White Warrior - 9.

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* Recap *

He growled at me as a warning and walked away from me. James watched us while this happend but said nothing. He then walked quietly away, following Chris.

We aren't done talking about this Alex I heard Chris say when we reached the lake.

White Warrior - 9.

I strolled behind them. How was I supposed to know that I was unreachable when I spoke with Lindsey. The connection that Lindsey and I have in our human form shouldn't be possible but we have it. So how am I supposed to answer all their questions, that definitly will be asked, if I don't know myself what's going on with us.

Olivia came outside and gave me some clothes which I took in my mouth and ran back to the woods. I didn't have to be stared at if I changed back and stood naked in front of houses of the pack members.

I rubbed gently on my butt when I walked back. They were not completely healed and that hurt. That meant that I only could sit down when they are healed and I hope they would do it soon. I also had huge bruises all over my body including some scrapes and scratches. Unfortunately they had hit me sometimes with their legs or paws.

When I came back Olivia told me that Ben wanted to see me. I walked toward his house, went inside and straight to the living room. There were others including Chris, James and even Joe. His eyes were a bit big of the event but he seemed fine.

'Hey Joe' I said to him. He looked at me and gave me a smile. 'They didn't hurt you?' he asked me and he looked worried. Something a little boy of five shouldn't ask. 'Everything's fine' I assured him although my butt said something different.

'Okay now go, Alex told you she is fine and you've seen her' and Ben lifted him off his lap. 'Go outside but stay close' Ben warned him. We all watched him leaving the living room and then they looked at me. I started to feel uncomfortable by their looks they gave me.

'I believe you have something to tell us Alexandra' Ben said seriously and he crossed his arms. 'But first I want to know if you are okay?' he asked kindly. 'Yes, but... well...' and I moved uncomfortable and the men looked at me strangely.

'What' he said. 'Hm...uhm.. one of those jerks bit me in my ass and... so they are trying to heal now' I said quickly. I saw some men grinning and fortunately they didn't laugh. I was glad they didn't because I wouldn't like it if they did.

'For the rest it's some bruises and scrapes' I added. 'Good, I wanted to ask you to sit down but that isn't possible so we talk about what happend like this'. About what exactly, the fact that I went away without really saying anything because Lindsey was in danger. Or talking about the fact that I didn't talk properly to Chris.

'How did you know she was in danger?' Ben asked right away. 'Hard to explain'. 'Try it' Ben said a little curt. 'A couple of months ago Lindsey and I discovered that we shared something unusual. In the pack where we ended up before we got here, Aqua called, someone didn't treat me right.

I met a guy there and we started to like each other. Eventually he started to hit me because I went against him. I said no to certain things because I didn't want to do it. Apparantly he wasn't use to the word no so he hit me' I heard a soft growl coming from Chris but kept talking.

'At that time we found out that I could reach Lindsey and vice versa without being changed. The day I first saw you, you became quite annoyed because I didn't listen remember?'. I saw him thinking and a few seconds later his face brightened. 'Yes, I remember now'.

'I talked with her back then' I explained. He seemed to think about this whole thing and I saw that the others did the same. 'So you can talk with Lindsey even if you're not in your wolf form' he said.

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