White Warrior - 20.

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* Recap *

Ben gritted his teeth as he spoke: 'I'm glad you called the White Legends, we need to end this. They attacked Shirley and left my father for dead. Now we know more about them, we can catch them, and we are certainly going to do that' he had a determinded look on his face.

'But also because they're a danger for the humans here, they're weak and we have to protect them.' He clenched his fists and looked straight ahead. 'They are going to die'.

I believe the Black Blood made an Alpha very, very angry.

White Warrior - 20.

The next day everyone was sharp and very alert. I'd offered that I, along with some older werewolves would guard the area while the other Hunters and a few volunteers would do the training. Ben was against it but I insisted.

'I'll be fine, really. The others may not be Hunters but because they're adult men no one can see that they're not Hunters. If something happens, you know I'm fast, I can jump in if necessary or run this way and ask for help'.

He wished that I would attend the training like the others. 'I'll catch up later' I'd said. Jack thought it was a good idea. 'If it's going wrong the guys would fight like a Hunter would do. And Alex is good, you know that. She's fast too so she can do what she just said'.

Ben saw that it would be safe enough. If we didn't do it like this we would miss Hunters each time because they were supposed to go to the White Legends. Now we had everyone in one training.

'Fine, but you don't mind then that Evan will be here too?'. 'That comes later, as long as we keep our area safe everyone here will be safe including Evan. He won't walk away Ben, if so he will be missing out a lot' I joked.

Yes I do mind Ben I thought, I even hated it. It was already terrible because I haven't seen him in four days now. I couldn't sleep because of him and if I couldn't I tried to sleep during the day, emphasis on tried. Sometimes it worked but most of it not but unfortunately I couldn't change that.

When it was almost twelve o'clock the Hunters retreated and were replaced by ordinary members of the pack. We picked out the ones who looked strong or fast. It wasn't always the case but as long as they could foul the Black Blood it was okay.

Since I stand out in the crowd they would recognise me everywhere and because I stayed and made rounds too it would look like an ordinary patrol. Jack said that if they would keep me away they would notice so this was perfect.

I waited a little longer so that I could take a look at Evan. Exactly at twelve, three cars arrived where boys and men stepped out. I was worried right away because I hoped they left some Hunters behind to guard their own ground. I saw that Evan searched me and when he found me I saw that he made clear to Nick that he went my way.

'Hey' he said quietly and before he did something I stood on my toes and put my arms around his neck. He did nothing at first but he soon followed my example and I was happy about that. I wanted to kiss him so badly but if I had to stop I was afraid that it would hurt me because after that I wouldn't see him for a while.

'Everything all right?' he sounded a little worried. I inhaled his scent and closed my eyes, it calmed me and made my worries less. 'I'm fine' I mumbled into his neck and I felt him shudder a little.

I felt his breath on my neck and it slowly slid towards my mark. I bit my lip because I wanted him to touch it. I knew that there would be an explosion of feelings, pleasurable feelings. But before he could do that I pushed him away and he looked at me shocked.

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