1|| The beginning, a very good place to start

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September 1st, 2021. The sun was shining off of the grand archway of Goode High School. Perfectly pruned green shrubbery lay around the entrance. The structure consisted of beautiful architecture, from the way the bricks were layered to the outstanding glasswork in the windows. The place was as grand as a royal palace, and as big as one too. I was dazed by its magnificence.

As I walked towards the entrance, it was hard to believe I was going to spend my senior year studying here. This was certainly a big step up from my last school, Yancy. From the building to the people inside, that place was falling apart. I never made any friends there and although I was getting good grades, I still felt like I was constantly taking steps back. Goode is a private school, my parents could never afford that. It took two years of pestering my dad to let me apply for a scholarship, then one year to get my application processed. If I'm honest I had given up hope. At that moment as I stood before the large open doors, it felt like a dream.

I stepped into the building, into the bustling corridors. I have to admit that I felt like an outsider. So many people, wearing fancy clothes with fancy bags and fancy school supplies, all talking and laughing in their large, well established friend groups. I was really feeling like I didn't belong. I checked the booklet I was given the week before. Locker #45. I walked through the corridor and eventually found the senior locker room. I wandered around aimlessly, trying desperately to make sense of the complex numbering system. I looked to my left, #215. Shit.

I felt truly lost, so many crowds everywhere, no way of knowing where to go. I just stood there helplessly, trying so hard not be be overwhelmed by my surroundings. In the distance I could see a tall, slender, brunette girl pointing at me. Great, it's been five minutes and I'm already being mocked. The girl talked with her red-headed friend, glancing at me and making comments. I was so annoyed that she was just out of earshot, if I could only hear what she's saying.

The red-head began quickly approaching me, I snapped out of it quickly and tried looking like I hadn't just been staring at her. The girl had kind, curly red hair and stunning green eyes. She had a certain confidence to her and a bubbly smile on her face. "Hey I'm Rachel, you must be new here. Or you're lost, you do know this is the senior area right? Oh I hope you're new, we never get new people!" Rachel spoke rather quickly and it took me a few seconds to take it all in before forming my answer. You see, I've never been great at talking to people. I'm not sure why because I have all the right words in my head I just can't get them to exit my mouth.

"Oh, I'm Annabeth. I'm new here." I blurted out before adding an awkward smile onto the end.

"Don't worry, I've been here for three years now, I can show you around! That girl over there is Drew." She said, pointing at the brunette, "she's an interesting character but you get used to her."

I grinned. "Would you know where locker #45 is?"

"Oh yeah, that would be just over there, it's next to your one Drew."

I hadn't realised but while I had been talking to Rachel, Drew had walked over to join us. Drew had straight, light brown hair with bleached highlights. One thing you could notice about her was that she must be well known, for what reason I couldn't tell you. She wore a large amount of well done, professional quality makeup. People seemed to be glancing at her and gawking over her.

Drew didn't speak, but Rachel showed me to my locker and I thanked her before sorting out my backpack, making sure I had the things I needed for the day. After I was done, I was surprised to see the girls still standing there. Drew opened her mouth and surprisingly, spoke. "You seem alright. Meet us at table 5 in the cafeteria at lunchtime. Maybe we can talk."

After that they both promptly walked away.

My first lesson was English Language. The lesson itself was uneventful but it made me hopeful for the quality of this school. The teacher knew what they were doing and kept everyone in order. Everyone was given text books and exercise books. Everything just went so well.

My next lesson was Chemistry with Mr Brunner. I managed to get there a minute or so early which I was quite pleased with. My Brunner showed me my assigned seat and I sat down, waiting for the lesson to start.

People started filling into the classroom and I began to get curious about who I would be sitting next too. After all, they would be my lab partner for the whole year, it better be someone good. Someone who does the work well and puts effort in. Someone who doesn't talk much or expect me to talk much. Maybe someone who's just mediocrely nice.

The lesson began and still no one had sat beside me. Maybe I didn't get a partner and would have to do work on my own. Thinking about it, that doesn't seem so bad, quite good actually. Sadly, luck was not on my side. Five minutes after the lesson began, a boy with dark hair walked into the room, seemingly oblivious to his lateness.

"Mr Jackson. You're late." Barked Mr Brunner.

"Hmm? Oh yeah."

"Seriously Mr Jackson, are we starting the year with this attitude. That's a lunch time detention. If I see you late again it will be after school. You better pay attention this lesson or I will be ringing home. Now go sit down next to Miss..."

That pause seemed to last an eternity. There seemed to be general suspense in the room. Many girls had been looking at him this whole time, gazing, almost transfixed. The boy on the other hand seemingly loved it. He looked at some of the girls and smirked, happy with what he achieved. I wanted to know who the hell this guy thought he was. Walking around like that. Just the sight of him angered me.

My eyes wandered to the empty seat beside me. Fuck. I looked around the room, I saw no other empty seats. Fuck, shit, fuck. I was so busy panicking that I barely realised Mr Brunner had finished his sentence. "...Chase. At the back of the room in the corner just there."

I wanted to cry. This didn't seem anything like my ideal lab partner. I heard a groan fill the room. Why do people want to sit next to him? I would pay so much money to swap seats with someone. With anyone.

He sat down beside me and pulled out his books. This was going to be one long Chemistry lesson.

Their Missing Piece || A Highschool AU Percabeth StoryΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα