6|| Monday, 8am, I'll be deleted

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So I can't write my 500 word report for school but I can write 929 words of fanfiction. Huh.

The darkness ended and I was suddenly awake again. My thoughts slammed into my head almost as much as my head had slammed into Percy's chest when I passed out. Holy shit I had only then just logged that that had happened.

I had passed out onto Percy Jackson, and the whole class probably saw. And now I'm no longer in my science classroom. Wait, where the hell am I? I forced my eyes into focus. They were still a little foggy from my earlier episode. I could see a white tiled wall to the side of me, I was lying on some kind of bed, an uncomfortable one that I would hardly class as a bed. I turned my head. I could see a sink and an instructional poster on how to wash your hands. There was a set of shelves and boxes, a few chairs and, wait a second... a woman staring right at me!

The woman turned out to be Jackie, the school nurse. She was a pleasant lady who fetched me a glass of water and helped me sit up. She asked me what happened. "I'm not sure, ever since I woke up this morning I've felt dizzy and have had a headache but it just kept getting worse."

"Well dear, do you feel any better now?"

"Absolutely, much better."

"Good, I've given you all the painkillers I can legally and medically give you."

Jackie looked me up and down.

"We'll by the sound of things, it may have been some kind of extreme migraine, migraines do tend to go away after sleep, or in your case, passing out. But you do look a bit low in iron. That could have played a part as well."

I took a sigh of relief. Thank god, nothing serious. I then got confused. The nurses office was all the way across the school from my science classroom. How the hell did I get here? So I asked Jackie.

"Oh, you know that sweet boy Percy Jackson, well you must know Percy if I do say, he carried you in here accompanied by that Piper McLean. They seemed quite concerned for you."

What. The. Fuck. Percy had carried me here! Carried! I barely know this dude! I should be angry. But I'm not. I'm just stuck on one idea. He carried me, he touched me, he was concerned for me.

I drank the water as slowly as possible, trying to give myself as much time as possible to think. This was just such a strange scenario, how was I supposed to react? Sadly, my water came to an end and I had to go back into the real world.

I checked the clock, it's lunchtime. Good, at least I don't have to join a lesson midway through. All I have to do is find Piper, who's going to ask questions. Shit. I just don't want to talk about this right now.

I bid my farewells to Jackie and headed towards the door. As I was about to take a step outside I suddenly had only one thought. Something that hadn't quite struck me yet. Percy Jackson is a very popular guy. Gossip is at a very high level in this school. Who's to say that no one knows what happened? The whole school could be out there right now talking about me. It would just take one person seeing Percy carry me. My body didn't let me take that step outside, into that world, the world where everyone could want to kill me.

"Is everything alright dear? You've gone pale. You can sit back down again if you feel faint." Jackie called out from across the room.

I couldn't hide from this. It would only get worse over time. Why has this happened to me, out of everyone? Some people would kill for this to happen to them.

"Oh, I'm fine. Don't worry." A complete lie.

I stepped out the door.

It was surprisingly anticlimactic. No big moment, just an empty corridor. I took a deep breath and began to walk. Just walk to the cafeteria. Keep your head down, find Piper, hope she doesn't ask too many questions.

As I approached the entrance, I could hear the noise inside, the noise of people talking, moving around, just having fun. So many people. I felt sick to the stomach. For a split second I swear I almost passed out again.

As I took my first steps into the cafeteria, nothing happened. I must be overthinking this. It all happened during a lesson. Maybe no one saw, maybe Percy and Piper told no one, maybe this is all a big overreaction in my end.

I wandered over to Piper, Thalia and Silena. When they saw me they smiled and looked relieved. I couldn't believe how happy I was to see them. I let out the breath I was holding and pulled out a chair. I saw the expression on their faces change. What had I done? Did they not want me here? It took me a bit to realise that it's not something I did. Although the noise level hadn't changed, something felt off in the room. I found myself almost too scared to lift my head. I felt eyes on me, like my every move was being watched. I sat down. Somebody stood up and pointed at me. I felt like my throat was closing. "Hey!" They yelled. They now had the whole cafeteria's attention. Drew, Rachel, Piper, even Percy. Everyone.

"That's Percy's girl!"

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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