3|| This ain't no high school. This is the Thunderdome

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When I sat down everyone seemed to untense and release the breath they had been holding in. It was then I realised they probably thought I wasn't invited, that I just saw a mostly empty table and decided to sit down. The chair I had sat in was next to Rachel, she seemed the most enthusiastic about getting to know me. Drew and the other girl barely even looked me over before continuing their conversation.

Rachel was confusing. I had no clue why she wanted to speak to me. She had a confident spark to her and was the kind of person to hold a spring in her step. She had a bubbly personality matched by her bouncy head of curls. She seemed to be highly respected in the school.

"So Annabeth," Rachel started, "How are your first few hours at Goode? What lessons have you had?"

"It's not been too bad." I awkwardly smiled and she looked at me expectantly, willing me to continue. "I had English Literature first, with Mrs Hubbard. It was quite dull really."

"Oh yeah, I always hate English Lit."

Honestly she was driving this conversation forward. Rachel really had people skills, just the pure ability to make conversation with anyone. I honestly got compelled to talk, in a way where I didn't feel awkward or stressed.

"Then I had Chemistry with Mr Brunner, it wasn't awful. The teacher seems nice so I think I can push through."

"Chemistry with Mr Brunner? Drew wasn't that what Percy said he had?"

Drew's head turned at the sound or Percy's name. It seemed to take her a minute to register what we were asking, almost like she was deciding whether replying was worth her time.

"Oh yeah, he mentioned it when he came over a few minutes ago." She said, before turning back to the other girl.

"Oh! I actually sit next to him." I exclaimed, maybe I could finally ask why everyone seems to know this guy.

"You lucky thing! He's dreamy isn't he."

She caught me off guard with that one. Like, maybe? I hadn't really looked at him that much. I mean, his hair is quite nice... nope. Shut up brain. I'm not liking a guy on my very first day.

I quickly realised I had just been kind of stuttering. Rachel was just looking at me and smiling.

"It's okay, happens to the best of us."

"Wait, what? No! I don't like-"

"Trust me he's a good looking guy. I've been going out with him on and off for the past year. He's good friends with me and Drew."

Oh. My nerves calmed after that.

"Right. So would you happen to know why people in my class kept talking to him?"

I decided to just blurt out the question and get it over with. I was getting really curious at who the guy is. People are treating him like some kind of Jesus.

"Yep. He's the quarterback so he's quite popular. He's the kind of guy to go to parties, drink and fuck."

Right, well that settled everything. I sighed. This was starting to feel rather stereotypical. Honestly, even though I could probably admit that Percy is kind of cute, that's put me off him completely. I kind of felt bad for Rachel.

Before I knew it, break had ended. I left the cafeteria to go to my next lesson. On the way I ended up passing Percy who was talking to Piper, from Chemistry. I'm guessing they're friends from our conversation earlier. From what Rachel told me about Percy, I felt that as I glanced over at him, I was looking down on him even though he's a good foot taller than me. He just seems like a bit of an asshole.

The next two lessons flew by and quickly, it was lunchtime. I gave in and began going to the table to find Rachel, but I was accosted by Piper, who I had seen twice today already, and two other girls. One had black spiked hair, in a kind of punk goth style. She wore a black shirt with a skull and ripped grey jeans. The other had long brown wavy hair, she wore a crop top and skinny jeans, she seemed to care about her appearance.

"Hey, Annabeth right."

"Um, yeah."

"So. Rachel has trapped you into an endless cycle of sitting at her table."

"I- I don't think that's what has happened-"

"It has. We've come to save you."


They all looked at me.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand."

"So you want to sit next to Rachel." The girl with black hair said.

"I mean, yeah? She's been quite nice to me."

They looked confused. "What about Drew?" The brunette asked.

"I haven't really talked to her if I'm being honest."

"Okay, Just listen." Piper began, "Those three, Rachel, Drew and Calypso," (So that's what that girl's name is!) "Aren't really known for being nice. They act like they run this school, they talk to boys, they throw parties, they make fun of others, they get drunk, you get the picture. Rachel's okay on her own but with Drew, she turns into a whole different person. It's very rare that you've been chosen to sit with them, but you seem nice and I'm trying to stop you from getting sucked in by them."

Okay things were starting to be clearer. This is why people stared at me when I sat with them, why people parted for them in the corridors, why they know Percy so well. Piper's right. I don't want to get sucked in by this. I looked at them from across the cafeteria. Rachel saw me and gestured for me to come over. I looked at Piper.

"Well, I suppose this is where you make your choice." She said.

"I don't really see what choice I have. She's seen me now, I have to go over."

"You can come with us. I mean, we hold some power in this school, we can hopefully rescue you."

I thought. I really don't want to make enemies on my first day but I think I have too. If I go with Piper, Rachel will hate me. If I go with Rachel, Piper will hate me. I thought about it. Why should I trust Piper? She could be lying, I have no proof. But things do add up with what she said about the others. I thought long and hard. Do I really want to go with Rachel and Drew? They just don't seem like my type of people. But I barely know the other three. Who am I kidding? I barely know Rachel and Drew. I sighed and looked around. I had made my decision.

Their Missing Piece || A Highschool AU Percabeth StoryWhere stories live. Discover now