2|| He was a boy, she was a girl, can I make it any more obvious?

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The first part of the lesson was Mr Brunner explaining his "class expectations" and running through what topics we'd be doing I've the next few months. However, it was difficult to listen because people were turning round to talk to this "Jackson" guy. He was being passed notes and was sending them back. It was just downright irritating.

After I had gotten through that Mr Brunner explained that it was important to know our lab partners and because of this we would be doing our first experiment this lesson. It was a simple experiment, something you would've been taught in middle school but it was just to trial us before we got to the real stuff. We had to distill some salt water.

I was about to get up to grab equipment before realising I actually had to talk to this dude. Just as I was thinking of what to say, he started for me. "So, what equipment do we need?" He paused, "I'm Percy by the way."

"Oh, I'm Annabeth. I think we just need to grab one of everything on the trolley."

Before I could get up to do so, he did, so I was stuck awkwardly sitting, waiting for him to get back. He put everything on the desk, smashing a beaker in the process, and I set up the equipment while he cleaned up the broken glass. I began to zone out and start without him until I realised he was done with whatever the hell was going on, and was now standing beside me, watching.

"So, should I do something? Or like..."

"You can start the fire. Um... if you want to?"

He walked to the front and took a burning split. He lit the fire and now the rest of the experiment just consisted of waiting for results. After lighting our fire we had to do some writing and answer some textbook questions. That took up a lot of time and after I had finished, we had to pack away equipment. As I was moving across the room a girl with braided dark brown hair walked up to me.

"Are you Annabeth?"

"Oh, um, yes."

"Oh cool, I'm Piper. I just saw you talking to Rachel earlier and she mentioned you."

What was that? I was trying to not let it phase me but I was honestly confused. Rachel talked about me? Was it good things? She had started walking away, but then suddenly jolted and turned back towards me. "Oh and by the way, good luck sitting next to that idiot." She said, gesturing to Percy.

I just awkwardly smiled and headed back to my seat. I gathered my belongings not long before the bell rang and class was dismissed. Now, it wasn't quite as bad as I anticipated, but I still was wondering how good Chemistry could be this year when I'm already attracting too much attention.

My main plans for break was to try to find the library, maybe spot out a quiet corner, but I quickly reminded myself that I had said I would sit with someone. I managed to find my way to the canteen, table 5 was it? I noticed from the mass of red curls that I had remembered correctly. The canteen was absolutely packed with so many people around every table. It was loud and smelt more strongly of axe body spray than it did of food.

I walked over in what I hoped was the right direction. Rachel turned to smile at me and I couldn't help but smile back. I approached the table, only 15 feet or so away, when I began to feel like I was being watched. I looked around and it hit me like a ton of bricks.

Practically every eye in that cafeteria was in me. With every step I took, the mutterings grew. Some people even seemed scared. Rachel beckoned for me to come over. I think I then heard someone gasp. Honestly, at that moment I had frozen in my spot. I didn't know what I had done to deserve such an audience. I took a few timid steps forward, and I reached the table.

There was a girl I hadn't seen before sitting there, she had honey coloured hair and was talking to Drew. I then realised that in the overcrowdedness of the cafeteria, it was only Rachel and Drew at table 5. I realised I had no choice at this point, no way of turning back, of running away to go cry in the bathroom. I pulled out a chair, I sat at the table with the popular girls.

Their Missing Piece || A Highschool AU Percabeth StoryWhere stories live. Discover now