❥ I wanna be in the sequel [Slasher!Dabi x Reader]

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Warnings: 18+ NSFW, Nipple Play, Vaginal Sex, DubCon (you fuck the killer thinking it's your boyfriend), Biting, Blood, Jealousy, Choking, Threats, Cursing, etc.

Summary: You, you're boyfriend, and some friends, rent a cabin in the woods to get away from it all, but what you guys fail to realize is that there's a killer on the loose. One that's had his eye on you since the moment you stepped into his territory.


"Come on, Y/N, you can't be serious?" Mina questioned, painting her nails on the twin bed opposite of yours.

"I am! This place seriously gives me the creeps. I swear even some of my clothes have gone missing and I feel like there's someone always right behind me, but whenever I turn around there's no one there. It's weird."

You and your friends had gotten this cabin as a way to escape from the stress of college and get some fresh air. You were supposed to be relaxing, but your paranoia wouldn't let you rest. You've been on edge this entire trip. The constant feeling of being watched followed you everywhere. Even the shower. And you swear you came with more clothes than you have now, but no one believes you.

You couldn't escape the creeping fear coating your skin in chills, and your boyfriend wasn't making this any easier on you. Taking any opportunity he could to jump around a corner and scare you shitless. You were starting to wonder if maybe it was him, that you were in constant fear of, instead of some ominous ghost.

"Have you told your boyfriend?"

"Kaminari isn't taking me seriously." You groaned, falling back onto your bed. Maybe you were going crazy. You heard plenty of stories of everyday people who go into the woods for a nice retreat, and end up losing their minds. Maybe you were one of them.

"Knock. Knock." Kirishima beamed, signaling his entrance into your room, "Sorry to interrupt, but do guys know where the tool shed is? There's a nail lose on the floorboard and I wanna grab a hammer and fix it up real quick, so no one will hurt themselves on it."

"Ooo, an injury really would put a damper on the rest of our trip," Mina hummed, focus on her fingers as she brought them into the light for a better view.

You sighed, "I know where it is, I passed it on one of my morning walks with Kaminari. I can grab it for you."

"Oh, no need. I can get it!"

"No, I want to. I could use the fresh air." You just wanted any excuse you could to get out of this creepy cabin.

"I appreciate it! I'll make you drink while you get it and then we can really get this night started." You agreed, always liking the enthusiasm Kirishima brought to the group. You were sure his positive attitude was one of the contributors for you not completely losing it yet.

The shed wasn't too far from the cabin. It was just around back, so you didn't spend a lot of time walking before you got to it.

It was entirely made of wood and it was a bit rundown-looking. You had no reason to go snooping around inside, so this was actually your first time. Not that the inside was any more appealing than the outside, cobwebs coating its corners and broken items littering the shelves. It reeked in there, but there was also no light, so it was impossible to identify the smell. Not that you really wanted to.

You ended up propping the door open with a rock, so a bit of moonlight would make its way in and brighten it up a bit. It worked a little, but there were still a lot of areas unlit that you tried not to focus on too hard. Worried that your already skittish mind might start playing tricks on you.

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