❥ Caged [Mirio x Reader]

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Warnings: Obsession, Possessive Behavior, Mentions of Sex, Mentions of Attempted Escape, Kidnapping, Chains, etc.

Summary: Mirio's positive attitude is unable to comprehend that you want to escape him, not date him.


"Honey, I'm home." Mirio cheered as if the two of you were some old-school sitcom couple. He adored coming home knowing that you'd be waiting for him like the good partner you were. What he didn't appreciate was you not following through on your end of the deal. He takes such good care of you and it would really make his day even more memorable if you just greeted him back every now and again.

He let out a sigh before walking over to your shared room. The door creaking ever so slightly as he made his way inside, once disappointed eyes completely melting into puppy love the second he saw your sleeping form. God, he loved you so much.

He lowered his gaze to your ankle which had been rubbed raw against the chain keeping you securely in place so he doesn't have to worry about you running away again like in the past. You must've had a big day of trying to escape. No wonder you were exhausted. His fingers trailed lightly over the irritated skin, careful not to wake you. Not yet. He just wanted to admire you a bit longer, watching as you slept so soundly, and dreaming of the day when the escape attempts would stop and you'd just submit to him entirely. But this was okay too. You could stay his caged little bird for a bit longer if you needed too.

A small whimper sounded from you. How cute. You were having a nightmare. Didn't you know you had nothing to fear? Not as long as he was by your side.

He sat on the edge of the mattress alongside you, bed dipping under his weight making you roll a bit closer to him. He leaned down and began littering your face in gentle kisses from your neck upward, causing you to stir awake.

"Good morning, my love. Did you have a bad dream?" Yeah, you did, and you weren't sure it was over. You had merely woken up from one nightmare to just be tossed into another.

You didn't respond, turning your head to bury yourself deeper into your pillow, hoping he would take the hint and leave you alone, but he didn't. He never did. He always twisted your blatant denial in his head into something it wasn't, like you just being shy, or you being nervous, or any other excuse he could create in his head other than the honest truth of you just not liking him. In what world would you like your kidnapper?

"Still a little sleepy then? Well after I shower I can cook us up some grub and we can head to bed together. Doesn't that sound nice? I can even take off your chain and we can eat in the dining room like a real couple."

What was the catch? There was always a catch.

"But you'll have to sit in my lap while we eat. Just to be safe and make sure you won't try to run off on me again." His gentle smile started to fade, slight anger taking form at the memories of that day. "You know... you really scared me back then. I thought something had happened to you. But, who would've known you just were getting cold feet."

"I didn't have col-" You began to shout before he cut you off with a firm kiss, probably to satisfy his own anxieties. He's always held you just a bit tighter since then.

"It's okay, my love. It's all in the past now. I forgive you. We have the rest of our lives to make up for it. It'll take some time before you can earn your freedom again, but until then I'll spend every day reassuring you how much we belong together. Most couples even have families, but maybe we could just practice until we're ready."

"W-What?" You whispered, anxiety overcoming you at his words. Did this guy really think you loved him? How demented was he? Sleeping with him was the last thing you wanted.

"Listen, I know you're shy about these things, so I've been as patient as I can, but we're dating. It's gotta happen sooner or later. So rest a bit longer. I'll wake you up when I'm done with dinner." He hummed, giving your forehead a peck before disappearing into the bathroom for a shower.

No, you needed to get out of here, you panicked. Desperately yanking your already raw ankle against the chain. One more time. You just needed to escape one more time. Then you'll finally be free of him and this goddamn cage of a home he keeps you in.

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