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Here we go.


It has been exactly a month since the kids started a new year at Hogwarts. It was nice having the house all to ourselves, for personal reasons of course. Draco and I are planning to head to Diagon Alley later, Luna keeps pushing me to try and get into crystals.

She forces Blaise to go with her once a week to the new shop they put up but if I'm being honest I think Blaise rather enjoys it.

I'm not too educated on crystals but apparently, they do wonders.

"Do you mind if I just stay back?" Draco walked into the kitchen. Hair wet, a pair of grey sweats on, only grey sweats. He's managed to keep his physique over the many years and I take my pleasure in it.

"Oh, you don't want to join your loving wife?" I teased. He let out a small laugh, "No no, I've just been a bit behind on work." Draco's idea of work these past few weeks have been going over documents and setting aside money. He has this idea of him and I opening our own small shop.

An astronomy shop.

He wants to sell all kinds of things and I've thrown in my own ideas but we're stuck on a name.

Kids don't know about this plan yet, it's set to be a surprise.

"Draco c'mon. You've been so into your work lately, we've hardly spent time together and the kids aren't even here to distract us." I complained.

He stood there awkwardly with his hands in his pockets. He knew what I said was the truth but just like when he was a teenager, he was a bit stuck up.

However he did always admit when it carried on for too long.

"I'm trying here Elle. You know how bad I want to put up this shop." He shrugged as he walked over to the fridge.

"Fine." I spat. I was annoyed but I didn't have energy to argue.

I walked over to the counter to grab my purse, I was ready to just walk out the house and get what I needed to get.

Draco suddenly walked over and stood behind me. I felt his hands slowly wrap around my stomach and connect with each other to secure the hold.

"Stop." I muttered.

He placed a soft kiss on my neck, "I'm sorry." He whispered. He placed another kiss, "Why don't I make it up to you when you get back hm?"

I let out a breath and leaned my head back onto his chest. "Sex isn't always going to solve our arguments Draco."

He let out a small laugh and let go, "Really? I remember differently." I could sense the big smile he had on his face without even having to look at him.

I turned around with an annoyed expression. "When we were teenagers, yes. We're not young anymore Draco." He playfully rolled his eyes at my response.

Draco leaned closer to me and placed a kiss on my lips. It was a hungry yet teasing kiss, "I'll be waiting for you." He smirked and walked out of the room.

I tilted my head back. "For fucks sake." I muttered to myself.


At Diagon Alley.

The crystal shopped was seriously packed when I arrived. Nearly almost got tripped on my way out. I managed to snag a few things before the room filled with many others.

As I continued walking down the alley, I could've sworn I heard my name being yelled out. I shook my head, I told myself I'm hearing things. A few steps and again my name.

I paused before turning around. "Stella!" The voice grew louder and closer. I puzzled my eyebrows close together and turned.

I wasn't nearly expecting to see this person here, much less calling my name. I didn't even recognize it because it's been years. I walked towards her.

"Violet, hi." I gave a small but puzzled smile. Her hair was no longer pink like when we were kids. It was jet black and she had a good amount of dark makeup on.

"Hi." She breathed out in relief. "Glad I caught you before you wandered off." She let out a small laugh." We stood off to the side next to the large moving crowd.

I played it friendly, "How have you been?" I asked. Violet tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear, "I'm hanging in there to be honest, I just came by to check out the new shop everyone is raging about."

I thought to myself, I didn't see her in there and I was there for quite some time. But then again, it was crowded.

"Same here, Luna kept bugging me to check it out so I figured why not just do it today, bad idea though it was crazy packed." I huffed. "I know!" She exclaimed. "I didn't even manage to grab anything because that line was ridiculous." Violet shook her head in annoyance.

We both laughed and for a second it felt nice, reconnecting and having a laugh together. We weren't teenagers anymore, all the petty stuff we argued about really didn't matter. We had different lives now, and I was so beyond satisfied with mine.

"How's Draco?" She questioned. I was about to answer her when a certain face caught my eye behind her.

I felt like I just looked at a ghost.

I completely zoned out of the conversation when the face wasn't going away. I must be going mad. I took a step into the crowd and I could hear my name being repeated by Violet in concern but it was more of a muffle.

"Impossible." I said softly. I pushed through the crowd and had my eyes locked on theirs. They weren't disappearing. A man was knocked into my shoulder which caused me to break contact.

It was at least three seconds because I gave the man a scold. I looked back and the familiar face was gone. I let out a big sigh, both in relief and the other in disappointment.

I turned back towards Violets direction but she was gone. Odd. Am I seeing things? Violet? The familiar face?

I didn't hesitate to apparate back home. I landed on our porch and dropped my bags to the ground. I lunged for the front door, "Draco!" I yelled out.

He didn't respond. "Draco!" I yelled louder and he came rushing down the stairs, "What? What is it? Are you okay?" He spoke quickly as he approached me fast. His face had concern all over it.

All of a sudden I couldn't speak. I couldn't say what I just saw because it was actually insane. He would look at me like I'm crazy. He would tell me I'm overwhelmed or not feeling good. Which is probably true but in my world, this could be true. Right?

"Elle, you're scaring me." His voice grew in concern.

I can imagine how pale I was, I could feel it. But then again if he knew right then and there why, he wouldn't question it.

He placed his hands on both sides of my arms. "Elle." He said softly.

I took a small deep breath and finally spit it out.

"I saw him."

Draco paused, "Saw who? Blaise? Elias? My father?" Who Elle?!" I was still frozen, I just couldn't grasp onto the idea that who I saw was real. It couldn't be, after all these years it was completely impossible.

Draco placed his hand on the side of my face, "If you say Voldy I won't laugh." He had a slight smile on his lips.

I blinked back into reality, "No Draco, it was him. Leon."


Leaving you hanging because it's what I do best hehe. Thoughts? Is Stella seeing things or did something happen? Can't wait for the next chapter ;)

I post updates on my insta story: papayax0378

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