the bracelet

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Small but eventful chapter. Enjoy.


The next day Draco and I were talking again. I came to the conclusion that I was seeing things. It would explain Violet disappearing as soon as I walked away. I just wondered what others thought of me talking to nothing in public. If they thought I seemed crazy or not. People knew who I was, I'm sure word got around of Draco Malfoy's wife acting crazy in Diagon Alley.

Good news was that all the kids were coming down for the weekend. We are trying to have it be every other weekend so they get time to themselves but also make family to reconnect.

Family is everything.

"Mom!" I could hear Hiraeth shout from downstairs. 

"Oh they don't yell out for me." Draco teased and headed downstairs. 

I told Pansy Lee could stay here for a few hours before she came to pick him up. Darcio asked if Reyna could stay over but Luna wanted her home. 

"Give me a hug." I walked over to them. Kye, Hiraeth, and Lee jumped in for the hug but Darcio just set his bag down and walked into the kitchen. 

"Darcio your mother is talking to you." Draco said. "Yeah I heard." He muttered. 

"It's fine." I let out. Draco looked back at me, "No it's not." He shook his head. Darcio walked over to the fridge. "Alright I'm sorry." Darcio complained. 

"A proper apology." Draco said sternly. 

Darcio looked over at Kye and Kye shook his head at him. "Darcio don't" Kye spat out.

I saw Darcio reach into his pocket and pull out a roll of weed. He then proceeded to light it with a spell and blow out a cloud. 

"Are you serious right now?" I questioned. He blew out another cloud. "I'm just living up to the disappointment status." He said coldly. 

"Oh by the way got this letter for you from some random owl." He tossed an envelope at me. "Darcio I don't care about some letter, I care about you and why you're acting this way. You never act like this." 

"Mom you should open it." Kye added in. Draco and I exchanged looks with concern and curiosity. 

"If it makes it any better, it's a really pretty bracelet." Hiraeth smiled. 


My heart dropped. 

I tore open the letter and there was my bracelet. The one Leon gave me. "Oh my god." I dropped to the floor. I stared at it. Everything was coming together. Seeing him and then this. 

He's back.

Draco rushed over to me. "Elle." He said softly. 

"Mom." Darcio's voice grew with concern. 

"It's my bracelet Draco." I cried out. "It's my bracelet." My voice broke followed by tears pouring out. 

Everything went black. 


Darcio's POV

"I think we should call someone." Kye broke the silence. 

Dad sent us upstairs. I refused to, my mother literally passed out and he wanted us to leave the room. It ended with him raising his voice for us to go to our rooms. 

"Call who? We don't even know what is happening." Hiraeth answered. 

"Both of you just shut the hell up." I spat. 

Hiraeth scoffed, "Don't speak to me like that. I'm not one of your little push around bitches. I'm your sister." 

I closed my eyes, "I know. I'm sorry." I let out. 

Lee was in the corner of the room. He didn't speak out during the whole thing. "What do you think?" I divereted my eyes towards him.

He looked up at me. "I don't know mate." 

"It's something from her past." Kye interrupted. I furrowed my brows together, "How could you possibly know that?" I asked. 

"I just know." He answered. 

I was mad at myself. I felt like it was my fault. Maybe if I just gave her the hug she wanted it wouldn't have happened. God I'm such a horrible son. 

"Lee!" We all heard someone shout from downstairs. 

"That's my mom." Lee jolted up. We all rushed down the stairs. 

My mom was sitting up on the couch with her elbows on her knees, staring into the void. She didn't look herself. "What's going on?" I asked as we got closer. 

"Get your things we're leaving." Pansy waved her hands at Lee. "What? Why?" Lee asked.

"Mom what's wrong?" I walked over to her. She didn't answer or even flinch or acknowledge my presence. "Mom." I said again. 

"Darcio let her be." My dad said softly. "No what is going on." I turned my head at him. He let out a sigh but no words. 

I looked back at my mom. Still nothing. I wrapped my arms around her. "Mom please." I begged. She broke out of her trance and realized we were all in the room with her. She turned and hugged me back. "I'm sorry." She whispered.

"Pansy please." She stood up. Pansy looked at all of then her. "I won't stay here and be fed bullshit Stella. I won't, you're being ridiculous and if I'm being honest, it's pissing me off." 

We all looked at each other in complete confusion, we still had no idea what was going on and I could feel my patience running out. "Don't speak to my mother that way." I stood up. 

"Darcio." Lee added in. "What? I don't care Lee she's being a bitch." I spat out in anger. 

"Shut the fuck up don't call my mom that." Lee walked towards me. 

"Or what?" I got in his face. 

"Both of you knock it off." My dad got between us. "If I have to knock both your asses out then I will." He looked at both of us. 

Kye and Hiraeth walked over to me and pulled me back. "Don't Darcio, that's your best friend." Hiraeth said. 

Pansy let out a sigh and grabbed Lee's arm and walked towards the front door. 

My mom began crying and my dad comforted her. 

"Can someone please explain what is happening, this is bringing out the worse in everyone." Kye pleaded out. 

My mom collected herself and finally explained. 

We all sat there with no words. Her brother is back?


Cliff hanger :)

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