back in time

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"Leon?" I felt my tears build up like a storm. He didn't say anything he just stood there. I wanted to run up and hug him and say I love you and I've missed you.

But he didn't talk or move.

I took a step closer, "Leon?" I asked again softly.

His lips parted, "Stella?" He spoke softly. My heart dropped. Hearing his voice after all these years. Hearing my brothers voice.

I ran up to him. Wrapped my arms around him. For a moment he didn't move but when I began to cry he hugged me back.

"I've missed you so much Leon. So fucking much." I cried out. He pulled back and looked at me. "I don't know what to say." He said.

I looked at him, he was different. Apart from physically looking older, he was different.

"How are you here? What happened that night?" I asked.

Leon walked back to the stairs and sat on the steps. He shut his eyes and took a deep breath. "I remember the war, the chaos, the bridge." He said the last part quietly.

I walked and sat next to him. Taking this all in.

"I remember sending Pansy my broom and then everything went dark. I don't remember anything. I woke up a week ago in here on a years old bed. There was a piece of parchment paper and your bracelet next to me." He said.

"You've been asleep all this time?" I asked in a concerned voice. He shrugged. "I'm assuming, I don't remember anything after I blacked out. No idea how I got here or who brought me here." He said.

I leaned my head into his shoulder. "However this happened, I'm glad you're here Leon. You have no idea how much we have all missed you."

"All?" He asked.

I shot up, "Pansy and Lee need to know!" I said. He puzzled his brows at me, "Lee? Who's that?" He asked.

I let a small smile appear on my face, "He's your son. Spitting image of you.

"I have a son?" He asked with wide eyes.

"You don't remember?" Pansy being pregnant?" I asked. He stood up and suddenly his face went pale. "Pansy?" He asked and then he went down.

"Leon!" I shouted and ran to him. "No no no no." I repeated with tears. "Leon! No come on wake up." I smacked his face a little. "Leon! Wake up." I yelled.

I looked around, my wand was on the floor. I grabbed and apparated.

We were in front of my house. I was struggling to carry him. "Draco!" I screamed as loud as I can. "Draco!" I yelled out again. My front door swung open.

Draco stood there frozen, watching us. The kids followed behind him. Confused about who this man I was trying to hold up was.

"Draco, help me take him to the couch." I said out of breath.

Draco snapped out of it and hurried to me.


It's been about 20 minutes since they've came home. Home. Them. It felt unreal. Leon there on our couch drinking a glass of water.

"How is this possible?" I finally blurt out. The kids are gathered around staring at him like he's some exotic creature.

He looked up at me and for a moment I swear it was like he was never gone.

"I don't know." He said.

"We should call Aunt Pansy and Lee." Darcio said. I turned my head at him, "I don't know about that." I said.

Darcio looked at me like I said no to saving someone's life. "You don't know about that? This is Lee's dad! Pansy's soulmate! And you said you don't know?" He yelled at me.

I raised my hand up in surrender, "Darcio-" he cut me off.

"No dad. You don't understand how hurt Lee gets when we talk about having a dad, the things we do, having two parents. He needs his dad. His dad is here, alive. After all this time and I don't care what you think I'm telling Lee right now." Darcio spat.

"Darcio." Stella spoke. He stopped in his footsteps. I used to always think Stella and Darcio had a relationship like me and my mother. She was always able to bring him back even if he was upset.

"Honey, I know you want to tell Lee. But Leon has been through hell and back. I think we should give a say in if he wants that right now." She said.

Darcio looked at me, then his mother, and then at Leon.

"What do you want then?" He asked Leon.

Leon examined him. He looked over at me, "Reminds me of you when you were that age." He nodded his head at Darcio and then at me.

I laughed.

I walked over to sit down next to him. "I've missed you bud." I said.

Leon raised his hand towards his chest, "Is the Draco Malfoy being kind towards me right now?" He joked.

Elle let out the loudest snort. I looked at her laughing and she covered her face. "That's embarrassing." She laughed and snorted again. Leon threw his head back in laughter.

I examined them both in this moment. It's like we were kids again.

"Hey, I know I said I didn't know about telling Pansy and Lee but seeing you and feeling this moment. I think they would need it."

Leon agreed, "I would like to meet my son and see Pansy."

That was all the words Darcio needed to hear go send a message to Lee.

In the meantime Hiraeth and Kye introduced themselves. Leon was shocked at how many kids we have.

"They have your picture up in the slytherin common room. Well back when you were younger. My first day everyone was asking me questions and I felt like a celebrity." Hiraeth ranted. Leon enjoyed hearing her stories. Kye didn't speak much, kept to himself. I know he was just taking everything in and trying to put pieces together.

Leon told the kids stories about himself. His memories, the war, the last moments he could remember.

It felt like old times.


So, yeah. Thoughts about how Leon got to the house and who kept him there?

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