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Apologies for the very late update. But enjoy! We're just getting started.


Lee's POV

My mother and I stopped at the door when Stella started spilling everything she knew. I stood there in complete confusion. My dad? Her brother? It's impossible.

"Mom?" I asked softly. She looked over at me with a soft look. I swear I saw tears build up in her eyes.

"She's feeding unforgivable lies into our heads." She said.

Draco smacked his lips, "Pansy stop. There's an explanation for all of this. Don't talk like that." He said.

My mother looked at Stella. Stella looked back with tears rolling down her cheek. "Pansy please." She said softly.

My mother took a deep breath, grabbed my arm, and we left.

Stella's POV

I've been in my room for the past few hours. Sitting in the dark alone. With just my thoughts. I knew it sounded crazy, I knew I sounded crazy.

A knock at the door broke my thoughts.

The door slightly opened, "Mom?" I heard Darcio.

He shut the door and walked over to my bed. "How are you holding up?" He asked.

I looked at him, my sweet boy. My first son. I hated myself for putting my family through this. For putting Draco and Pansy through this. Making them relive the pain we felt as kids.

"I'm okay." I answered.

Darcio sat down next to me. "Don't lie to me mom. I'm older now, I can tell when you lie." He said.

I let out a small laugh.

"You are getting older now." I said. "Is it true?" He asked.

In complete honesty. I didn't know how to answer it. In my heart I felt it was real. But my mind was telling me no. It was not possible for this to be real. Leon died. Like Draco said, we mourned and healed. I just reopened that wound.

"I'm not sure." I looked down at my bracelet placed in front of my on my bed sheets.

Darcio noticed, "You mentioned that was yours?" He asked.

I smiled at the memory of it. "My brother, your uncle, gave it to me when we were teenagers. I was going through such a hard time and he made it better."

I took a deep breath. "I lost it the night he died."

"It's been missing all this time and suddenly it pops up?" He was confused. "I know it's weird." I said.

"I think it's weird that whoever sent it, sent it to us at school. They knew we existed but they knew we didn't know what it meant." Darcio explained.

Another knock at the door.

Hiraeth and Kye peeked their heads in. I smiled at them. "You can come in." I said.

Draco followed behind them with a glass of water.

The kids joined in on the bed. Draco walked over to the side of the bed and handed me the water. "Thank you love." I smiled.

He placed a kiss on the top of my head. "Are you okay mom?" Hiraeth asked.

I looked over at Darcio and thought about lying to him when he asked me that.

"No, no I'm not." I responded. Draco sat next to me and placed his arm around me.

The kids all had a sad expression on their face.

"Hey, it's okay that I'm not. I will be. We all have our days." I reassured them.

"Do you think Lee will talk to us again?" Kye asked.

I went into my thoughts. I ruined a friendship. My kid's friendship and mine with Pansy.

"He will. I promise." I said. Although I didn't know. I cant imagine what Lee is going through with me dropping a huge bomb like that on him. I wasn't even thinking about it. I was just thinking of myself at the moment. Of having hope that my brother was back.

The next day

"Draco." I tried to gently wake him up.

He mumbled and turned over. "Draco." I said again. He slightly opened his eyes and the jumped up, "What? Are you okay?" What happened?" He asked in a very concerned tone.

"No no nothing is wrong." I said. He let out a breath and sat up. It was around 6 in the morning.

I had an idea last night.

"I need to go back to my old house." I said. He looked at weirdly. "What?" He asked.

"Just. Just trust me." I said.

He got out of bed, "Okay let me get dressed." He said.

"No." I sat up. He looked back at me, "I'm sorry. I just have to do this alone."

He came back to bed, "Elle we never do anything alone. Especially this." He spoke softly.

I placed my hand against his cheek, "I love you so so much Draco." I smiled. "I love you too." He smiled back.

"But I need to do this alone. Please just trust me." I tried to explain.

He looked me in the eyes. We spoke to each other that way and he understood.

He gave me a nod, "Alright. But if I don't hear from you in an hour, I'm going to go find you." He raised his eyebrows at me.

I smiled and placed a kiss on his lips.

My idea was to see if there flowers where my mother used to plant them. It's the place me and Leon went to years ago on her birthday. Him and I were the only ones who know about that moment. If there were flowers, he was back. If there wasn't, then I was seeing things and I owed everyone an apology.

But I prayed there would be flowers. I wanted him back. I needed him back.



Glad to be writing again :)

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