white roses

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well well well...



I left the house with Draco and kids sitting anxiously on my return but I had to do this alone.

I apparated to my old house. Staring at my childhood home. It was now abandoned, broke. windows, spider webs covering every corner, rusty railings. It was unrecognizable.

I thought back to my mother and how Leon and I found her dead in this very house. So much trauma in one place. I took a deep breath and walked over to where Leon and I had her flowers.

I looked down my whole walk there. I was scared to look up and see if it was empty or if there were flowers.

"Just breathe." I told myself.

I looked up.

There they were.

White roses.

I felt my tears build up. Everything came back. Every moment with him, every argument, every hug, the good and bad. Every memory with my brother came back.

It was then I realized how badly I needed him back i my life. How much joy and comfort his presence would bring me.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a glass break from inside the house. I turned my head and tried to see through the windows.

Is it possible?

"Hello?" I asked loudly. I could hear movement from inside.

"Hello?" I asked again. I moved closer to a window. I stood on my tip toes and peeked inside. "Who's in there?" I ask.


I quickly made my way over to the front door. As I reached my hand out for the knob, I found myself hesitating. Is it him? Or just some random who needed a place to crash?



"Lee!" I shouted. As soon as we got home he ran to his room and slammed the door. I stood alone at the front door. I took a deep breath and walked over to the couch. Grabbing a glass and a bottle on my way.

"He's back." I mumbled to myself. I couldn't believe her. Unless he were to make his way over here and knock on the front door and see him physically here, I refused to believe it.

All these years. I've mourned, I've healed, I've accepted his death. Lee accepted his death.

What kind of mother would I be if I let it all back in? If I let Lee get hurt because of this, I don't think I could ever forgive myself.

I heard his door open. "Lee?" I sat up quickly. "Lee please come here." I begged.

He slowly made his way down the hall and stood there looking at me. "Is it true?" He asked.

I sat there looking at my son. He looked just like his father. Just like Leon. In that moment, I wanted to say yes. Yes my baby, your dad is alive! All will be well soon. We can all be a family. But instead...

"No Lee." I said. He looked down at his feet with disappointment. "I'm sorry." I said softly.

He shrugged. "It's fine mom." He said. "Please don't tell anyone about this, I don't want rumors going around in the paper." I gave him an apologetic look.

He nodded his head at me, "Yeah, of course." Lee said.

"I'm gonna get some rest." He said and turned back to head to his room.

"I love you." I said. He paused, "Love you too mom." He said.



I opened the door.

"Hello? If someone is in here please make yourself known." I shouted.

Draco would be upset with me if he knew I was doing this. Going into an empty house with no real way of protecting myself.

I heard the stairs creak and turned around as fast as I could.

I stood there in silence and complete shock. It happened again. Every single memory came back.

The stairs creaked more and more.

The person finally reached the last step and was now face to face with me.

I parted my lips in disbelief and blinked uncontrollably.

"Leon?" I said with a broken voice.



ShadowsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora