Chapter 6

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word count : 5661

have you ever wondered what it is like to kill somebody?

and by killing someone, it is not about killing them physically, it is about taking their soul out of their body when there is still life left for that human.

that is what you call ending someone's life.

shattering the hope.

crushing the tiny bit of hope that the person had left with that they can do something, anything.

that is when you end someone's life.

fear was an emotion, y/n was rather amazing at handling given her past.

maybe that is exactly why she was here, in the front line, alongside aizawa, standing right in front of a guy who looked utterly familiar to her.

"you have got some new friends I see. " shigaraki smiled at the girl, probably grinning as his smile grew wide before he warned, " do you want them dead as well? "

in that moment y/n knew. she knew who he was. surely after all these years, he's hard to recognise, but that evil ki, , that blood lust, it's still the same.

if something, it's even more as compared to when he was just a mere child.

"s-shigaraki? " y/n asked.

"ohh my, look who remembered me! it's such a pleasure my baby munchkin. " shigaraki taunted.

diverting her attention towards him was just a fluke ; the main attack was supposed to be from her left from an unknown villian with a needle related quirk. however, y/n had never saw that coming.

she was stopped. the time for her stopped. the memories of that day, fire consuming the surroundings, people yelling, calling for help, people burning alive, screaming names. it played in front of her as if it was a tape recorder.

and when y/n said that 'trust me you never want me to be serious' , she meant it.

all it took for her to deal with that villian was a mere finger. she swirled her finger around, her gaze never leave shigaraki as she teleported the villian in front of her. a single punch was more then enough to made him unconscious.

"lay as much as a hand on them and trust me you will pray that you shouldn't have even born with a hand. " y/n announced.

what surprised her classmates wasn't whatever the rubbish shigaraki was talking about. he's a villian so why in the world are they supposed to believe him. what shocked them was sudden change in y/n's behavior. it was like as if they had never met this girl in their life before.

she was constantly yelling during the class, sure, but this y/n, she was scary.

they won't lie with that anger in her eyes and that aura in her surrounding, she looked way scarier.

or probably it was because she had never ever shown her real power or her real self in front of everyone else.

"you have grown rather well. not what we expected but surely what we wanted. " shigaraki shrugged, giving a singnal from his hand that opened many other portals ; villians finding their way inside the usj thanks to those portals.

"y/n there is still time, go back!! " aizawa yelled.

y/n wasn't even listening to anything. none of that mattered ; what anyone said wasn't even a matter of slightest concern for her. in front of her was standing the guy who can tell her about the person she spent her whole life finding. behind whom she spent her whole childhood training, the reason she was even pursuing a hero carrer.

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