Chapter 7

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word count : 3363

flames rose into the night as if they challenge the heavens to stop their consumption of what was our home and place of sanctuary. fire comes as a golden ball, igniting the night, outshining the stars. yet fire was impatient and the heavens breathe eons and moments as if they were one. it was simply a sight of horror.

"mom, dad, sensai" he panted her lungs out. running through those dark paths that were once all shiny due to the bushes surrounding them. a trail of tear ran down to his cheeks, getting whipped off by him as the second drop made it way. then the third then the forth, until he was a sobbing mess.

"I am coming. I'll save you all. I'll have
to. "

he panted out heavily as his eyes were wide open, trails of sweat running down from his head all the way to the pillow that his head rested on. it was a daily thing for him now, the same scene, the same fire consuming everything and everyone that came in its way. the same nightmare, the same people.

but, a very different him.

he won't say that the nightmare was the reason for this new him. no. however, a certain someone in this nightmare.

the alarm clock that rested behind him was beeping from a minute now. again, nothing new. he always have this habit of waking up ten minutes earlier from the alarm clock. sometimes, even he wonder if he needs this alarm clock at all.

when did the ceiling of his house turned this beautiful that he can stare at it from past ten minutes? was he staring tho? yeah, he certainly was. however, his mind was long lost in the past memories.

mom, dad, sensai, the village, the people, y-

he facepalmed himself before even thinking about that certain name. all these years he had spend, will all be wasted had he think about the name even once. his target was clear and most importantly he was already on his way of becoming what he had always dreamt of. he was on the best path ever possible.

ain't no way he's messing it up now.

people say that , 'a new life comes as sea air, rolling over buoyant waves, kissing with a coldness that brings ever more wakefulness and awareness of the moment we have arrived at. '


a new life doesn't open as a present, with pretty ribbons and assurance of comfort, yet more as a road to adventure with a degree of fog and chill. and it takes a lot to live a normal life after a certain amount of incidents that one might had have faced.


"what a drag. " haru said annoyingly , knowing very well the source of the voice as he took the pillow and instead of throwing it out of the window like he usually do, he teleported the pillow into his blue portal and stood up all in his glory, shirt undone, messy hairs, continuous yawns.

nevertheless, everything was a drag. school, students, homework and life. why all these anyways? why when he had his motive clear in his head way way before anyone else.

"oye haru! you sick basterd, you never told me nina had a thing for you. " aashi wrapped his hand around the guy, practically pinning him down to the. ground.

now when was it that haru ended up walking to the school with this annoying friend of his, aashi? he doesn't exactly remember. it was as if aashi dragged him all the way to the school with him. never mind, not like he can do anything about it.

"does it look like I care about that? " haru said coldly.

"always so cold, is it a family trait or what? "

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