The Worst Thing Possible

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Gee's POV

After what seemed like hours we were finally able to leave, The doctor wrapped my hand and cleaned it so it wouldn't get infected, he told Frank I should come back in a few weeks and that if pain gets bad make an appointment right away, he hands my boyfriend some painkillers fo rme too. I knew it wasn't to bad, Frank smiles thanking the doctor and hods my non injured hand. 

Frank's POV

I smile happily at my fiancee as we walk out of the building hand and hand, "I'm so sorry Pea bit you! I don't know what has gotten into her" I say to Gee and he smiles, "he's just being over protective of you and our baby" Gee says softly. "It's not your fault my love" he adds as I unlock the car and we both get in. Gee turns up the radio and puts on Poprocks on sirius XM, it was our personally favorite station to jam to in the car, and we knew every song. "I love this song!" Gee giggles as Hand In My Pocket by Alanis Morissette. I giggle as he sings along, "I GOT ONE HAND IN MY POCKET AND ANOTHER ONE SMOKING A CIGARETTE!" Gee yells I smile at my fiancee, he's so perfect I kisses his lips softly and he turns down the music as we break away from the kiss

Gee's POV

"Let's go home" Frank says softly as he starts to drive us home. "I told you it's not to bad" I tell him looking down at my hand and rubbing his belly with the non injured one. Frank sighs, "I know, but you're a stubborn ass sometimes so I was worried" he says as they drive, "awe I feel tiny kicks" I whisper in awe as I rub his stomach and he smiles, "he or she will be here soon love" he whispers kissing my cheek super quickly, he turns back to the road and I scream, "HOLY SHIT BABE" I yell trying to grab Frank, a huge tractor trailer was out of control coming at us, we were trapped, "no no no! My baby" I hear Frank scream as he see's it to, I hold his hand tightly putting our hands on his stomach in fear of what would happen to our baby, not ourselves and I close my eyes, "I love you" I cry out to Frank kissing his head as it hits us head on.

O.o what do you think about this story? Comment what should happen next

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