Chapter 5: The Training

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The Gamemakers had put in place few things meant to even the odds between the tributes trained to win the games, like the careers, and... the others. In a few weeks, the tributes would get a grade that could save their life in the arena. Either by inspiring fear amongst their competitors, or attract interest from potential sponsors. If sheer strength wasn't enough to win or if they ever needed something that the cornucopia didn't provide, sponsors would be their only chance of survival.

This morning Cato and Clove both arrive early at the training center. Partly to make a good impression on the Gamemakers sometimes present to observe the sessions. But mostly because they could not wait to put their hands on a weapon again.

Of course for the same reasons, the other career tributes are also early. On impulse, like most decisions he makes, Cato asks the girl and the boy from One to train with them later. Goal is to have Glimmer and Marvel - he thinks that's their names - to be allies in the arena. He probably should have asked Clove but Enobaria said not to hesitate to gather forces right from the start of training. A plus is that both are definitely camera attractive... One conversation with them however and Cato knew he would need to add a couple other skills to their team: engineering skills and cleverness.

Even if there were no cameras present, Cato decides to follow through with the arrogant shtick. With a conceited stance, he quickly gauges the competition  as the other tributes arrive. The sight of the tall boy from District Eleven makes him flinch slightly. That one is going to be a hassle.

As District Twelve arrives last, Cato moves toward the weaponry before the trainer allows them to. Today he also unilaterally decided to not get angry - he is far too happy to hold a broadsword to let his rivalry ruin it.

Reaching the weaponry unit, Clove frowns at his occupied back with a light amused smile: "What you up to soldier?"

Cato turns around with a massive grin: "Let's see what you got.". He then hands her a double edged knife from the stand.

Their discussion in the tunnels had been painful. The young man took a decision that would bring them together as fighters but part them as lovers. For the good of their survival. And it had brilliantly worked - him and Clove have never been so kindred in fighting spirit. His fit of anger against 12 gave them the drive of hatred needed to focus their mind on something else than each other.

That was all well and good but Cato's determination wasn't going to last long. At least not if he couldn't stray his eyes from the hair brushing Clove's lip as she steadies her breath to throw a knife. One that hits dead center into the target 30 meters ahead. A warrior partner. The reason why he fell for her in the first place.

She turns around with a winning smile: "And I haven't even warmed up yet."

Cato scoffs, bringing himself back to the present. "Right. Let's see you got now.". He grabs a dozen knives from the stand - all different shapes and sizes - and hands them to Clove. Once affixed to her gear he activates the training program.

Targets and life size mannequins start moving across the room in unpredictable patterns. But she gets every single one of them straight in the heart.

As he sees she'll be fine on her own for the rest of the training, Cato hands a bow to Glimmer commanding her to train as Clove is. Then he throws a spear to Marvel - the boy's weapon of choice - so that he can help him get his broadsword skills back in shape.

Soon the noise disappears, the grunts of efforts from the other tributes training fade into the background. Only remains the metallic clicking of the sword and the spear colliding. Ringing at Cato's ear like the melody of a battle. A music that pulled on his heartstrings.

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