Chapter 7: The Interviews

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"Remember, they already love you," Enobaria says cockily. "Just keep up the act."

She had picked up Cato from his room to meet up with the rest of the District Two crowd at the elevator. Currently on standby, ready to take them to the Interviews stage set up between the training centre and the parade stadium. Tributes weren't meant to visit the Capitol much during their time there, and Cato couldn't wait to be able to.

Like last night was just a mirage, Clove is now back into one of the saturated dresses their prep team seem to be so fond of. It fits her skin tone but that's basically all it does. As Cato steps into the machine next to her and their team, he can see she is pissed. He would be too if they made him wear... that. 

When the elevator opens on the right floor, they immediately start lining up the other tributes to take the stage. Head held up high. Eyes beyond stares. The murderous machines from Two walk up to the front of the queue without a thought for the other competitors. But Cato can't help slide a glance at Twelve. His eyes quickly meet Katniss's. Not quite actually because they keep shifting away, avoiding. She is... scared.  Like a defenceless deer caught in headlights. He holds back a snort of disdain. She is as far removed as she could possibly be to defenceless. And that innocent act that no one seemed to see through pissed him off beyond words. 

All twenty-four of them are now placed standing in a row waiting for their turn. Cato is fourth. A bored huff crosses his lips, annoyed that they would make everyone wait so uncomfortably. At least it wasn't going to be long before his turn. A small rictus twists his lips as he imagines the cramps Twelve would get before going on. 

It is mandatory to watch the Games. Most kids would be excused from schools. And obviously, no one worked in the Capitol. So for the next few weeks everyone would be glued to their TV for most of the day. But the Interviews... That is an event like the parade that happens directly on the Capitol grounds. Im-po-ssi-ble to miss it. 

Every citizen now gathered inside a massive stadium or stood along the avenues that feed into it. The polished black stage is topped by an elevated unit welcoming special seats reserved to the camera crew, stylists and Gamemakers. Lifted up in the air for everyone to see, the most impressive gallery belongs to president Snow - it is facing the crowd and not the stage.

But what makes the location most impressive are the lights. The entire country is shut off for the occasion. Thus turning the platform waiting to greet tributes and show hosts into a beacon radiating to the stars. The night here becomes a summer morning. There will be no blackouts tonight.

Caesar Flickerman suddenly bounces onto the stage. For all the years he's hosted the Hunger Games, the man hadn't changed one bit. It sends a chill down Cato's spine. He had seen it a little bit in his district, but nothing in Panem compared to the plastic surgery you could find in the Capitol. Only the colour of his suit and his hair to show he is not just an unchanging recording being played over and over again. This year, Caesar's has picked blue for his aesthetic. Striding across the stage toward his seat Caesar tells a few jokes to warm up the audience.

Once the audience is roaring, he finally gets down to business. Cato shifts in position. 

First to go is Glimmer, looking provocative in a pastel and gold gown. She steps up the centre of the stage to join Caesar for her interview. With that flowing blonde hair, emerald green eyes, her body tall and lush . . . you couldn't deny her sex appeal. Clearly not Cato's style whatsoever. But he can't help draw in a breath when she answers the first question. In front of him, Clove tenses immediately. 

Each interview only lasts three minutes. Then a buzzer goes off and the next tribute is up. Cato doesn't really pay attention to One. He had spent so much time training with them and strategizing with Enobaria regarding their alliance he could predict almost every word coming out of their mouth. 

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