Chapter 7

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Seven Year Earlier

Snuggled into Lisa's side as they slowly walked along one of the less crowded streets of Chicago, Rosie wondered if it was possible to literally explode from happiness. Maybe she'd ask Jisoo later if there was any documentation of serious chemical imbalances resulting from too much bliss. Not that it would deter her into changing her behaviors because this was just too damn good to give up. But it might be interesting to know. And if anyone would know some obscure fact like that, it would be Jisoo.

This was their fifth date if you counted the quick coffee/cocoa they'd grabbed the day before when they ran into each other on campus between classes. She definitely counted it. There was flirting and touching and it ended with a soft kiss that left her flying for the rest of the afternoon, so it definitely earned a tally mark in the date column in her book.

Tonight, however, was a planned outing. She'd agreed to meet Lisa at the bar around seven when her early shift was supposed to be over and then they'd planned to grab a bite. Arriving right at seven so as not to seem too eager, Rosie couldn't stop herself from smiling and letting the butterflies in her stomach flutter when she saw Lisa behind the bar, tight black v-neck, hair pulled up revealing that flawless skin, and looking all around amazing as always. Their eyes had met from across the half-full room and she felt her face heat up when Lisa smiled at her, crooking her finger at her in a come hither motion.

"Hey there, cutie," she said when Rosie reached the bar, leaning over it to meet Rosie's lips with hers.

"Hi," she answered, sighing happily and taking a small amount of pleasure in the fact that Lisa stayed halfway prone across the bar, keeping their faces close. "I thought you were done at seven?"

"I am. Just give me five minutes to close out my stuff and then I will take you for that cheeseburger with extra pickles that you've been talking about for the last three days." She kissed her once more before leaning back and heading off to finish her work, looking damn good doing it too if Rosie had anything to say about it.

They ended up spending a little over an hour and a half at the local greasy spoon where Rosie impressively drank two chocolate milkshakes in addition to her ginormous cheeseburger, much to Lisa's amusement.

Afterward, with nothing more to do and both agreeing that they didn't feel up to attending one of the typical Thursday night college parties that were a weekly staple, they'd found themselves walking around the campus, first hand in hand and then arms wrapped around waists as the night grew colder.

So engrossed in their conversation and Lisa's hypnotic dark chocolate eyes, Rosie didn't even realize how close they were to her apartment until they were about a block away. And why roam around outside in the cold when they could go inside and get... warm? Oh my god, that's so cheesy, Park. Do not say that!

Maybe if she just steered them in that general direction. Maybe Lisa would get the hint. Maybe she'd avoid putting her foot in her mouth for once. Maybe she should stop overthinking things and just do it.

Deciding to be bold in a quiet, unassuming sort of way, she turned them down the street, her apartment building immediately coming into view. Apparently, Lisa didn't notice as she continued to talk about the punk rock girl that sat in the row in front of them in their Art History class. Rosie had finally convinced her to move towards the middle of the lecture hall a few weeks ago, where they could sit together, and though Lisa pretended to hate not sitting in the back corner like the rebel she was, she did admit that the new vantage point gave her a whole new crop of subjects to fill up her drawing pad with. Well, that and she got to endlessly tease and flirt with Rosie the entire time.

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