Chapter 30

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“Dammit!” she exclaimed, another box falling down on top of her as she dug through the depths of the guest room closet. For as tidy as their home was, she found that this particular area seemed to be the catch-all for all the random odds and ends that she and Lisa had apparently accumulated over the years.

She’d searched everywhere else in the house, looking for the scrapbook she knew she’d started years ago with all her old UChicago photos, memorabilia, and articles from college. She distinctly remembered Jennie helping her organize the large blue binder after she’d started to accumulate more and more pictures of their little group of friends, as well as articles from the University of Chicago Times with her name attached to them. She’d been so proud and excited to see her words in print that she’d held onto the stories in a shoebox until it had gotten to be close to full and she decided she should probably come up with a better system.

She hadn’t thought about the scrapbook in years, having stopped the collection after graduation but she’d suddenly thought of it the night before as she laid in bed, next to Lisa, the dark-haired girl fast asleep, spooning her tightly, face nestled against the back of Rosie’s neck.

She’d been unable to fall asleep for some reason that night. She wasn’t sure why. Maybe it was the four cups of coffee she’d had that afternoon, trying to keep her fingers and her mind going as she worked on a new article for The Independent. Maybe it was just the fact that her brain didn’t want to shut off, continuing to process everything that had come up over the last couple of weeks, sorting facts into neat little piles. Maybe it was because only a couple of hours earlier Lisa had had her pinned to this very bed, lips suggestively making their way down her neck, her hands drifting under Rosie’s t-shirt, both of them slowly grinding against each other. Everything felt so incredibly amazing, and she was loving every second of having her girlfriend on top of her, her weight welcoming. And then she felt Lisa’s hand move further up her rib cage, cupping her breast, her thumb dangerously close to her nipple and she’d snapped back to reality.

“Wait! Stop!” She’d pulled back, looking up into Lisa’s hazy, lust filled eyes as the dark-haired girl attempted to catch up with her and the fact that the blonde was softly pushing her away. Rosie closed her eyes tightly for a moment, sighing heavily and hating that she still wasn’t quite ready.

Dammit, why can’t I get myself together? Why do I keep doing this?

She knew it was solely her issues holding them back at this point. Lisa had made it abundantly clear over the last couple of days after the afternoon at the cove that she was ready. All the overly flirtatious comments and exceedingly seductive looks. The way her lips wandered just so when they kissed, along with her hands. The way she held Rosie just a little closer, a little more suggestively. Even if she didn’t know the dark-haired girl as well as she once had, she’d have to have been completely oblivious not to pick up the heavy-handed signals Lisa was laying down.

Not that complete obliviousness is that farfetched, but…

“Wha… What’s wrong, Chaeyoung-ah?” Lisa had quickly pulled her hands away as though she’d been burned, Rosie feeling the loss immediately and hating just how much it bothered her. Shaking her head in frustration, she’d sighed once, looking away as she felt the blush rise on her cheeks.

“Crap, I’m… I’m sorry, Lisa. I just…”

“Shh, no, it’s fine,” Lisa panted from above her, suddenly looking a little embarrassed herself. “I shouldn’t have… I’m sorry.” She started to move off the blonde but Rosie immediately reached up and grabbed ahold of her hips, keeping her in place and looking up into those dark eyes that were so utterly captivating.

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