Chapter 23

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She felt her lips twitching ever so slightly, pulling upwards at the corners as Lisa instinctively settled further against her, their sides touching at every possible juncture. With her casted arm lying along the back of the couch behind her shoulders and her other hand firmly wrapped in Lisa’s as the dark-haired girl unconsciously played with her fingers, she really couldn’t think of anywhere else she’d rather be at that moment. It was so sweet and comfortable. Almost like it was just a normal thing for them to do. Which, before this mess, it probably was. But it was nice to think that maybe not everything had changed. That maybe they hadn’t completely lost all the good that they’d worked so hard to build.

The last few days had been fairly calm. After spending the previous Saturday together, and finding out the truth about Lisa’s mother, Rosie had quickly backed off on all of the family questions she had burning in her brain, regardless of whose side they fell on. Lisa had seemingly been more than willing to share any information Rosie had requested up until that point but Rosie had noticed the obvious way the dark-haired girl had closed off after that truth had come out, unsure if it was the fact that Lucy was gone or the circumstances surrounding her death that had upset her so much. But Rosie didn’t want to push it. Upsetting Lisa further was the last thing she wanted to do and there were plenty of other things that they could talk about when a trip down memory lane was called for.

After the Saturday at the art museum, they’d spent the following days working and taking care of all of the little monotonous details that life had a way of throwing at them and their evenings together, just the two of them, continuing to attempt to slowly rebuild what had been lost. It was… well, slow in Rosie’s opinion. Amazing and wonderful, but far too unhurried in her mind. It seemed like they were moving at a snail’s pace, but maybe she was just getting ahead of herself. Maybe she was pushing for too much, too quickly. And at least she had moments like these, ones where she could simply watch and enjoy merely being in the presence of the other girl and having her so close.

Continuing to smile as she watched Lisa, who was completely focused on the television across the room, she leaned over, pressing a lingering kiss to her temple, smiling into it as Lisa sighed happily. She really should’ve tried this whole kissing/non-stop touching thing sooner.

Well, it’s not non-stop touching, she thought, pulling her lips away but staying close, breathing in the scent of Lisa’s shampoo as she did. And the kisses have all been totally publicly appropriate. All well-mannered and sweet. She kept attempting to remedy that, pushing for something a little more risqué, but so far had been unsuccessful. The previous night had been the most embarrassing of her attempts by far and she was almost worried that she might have royally messed everything up when she’d shut herself in the bedroom afterward.

Lisa had come home early and they’d ended up going to a movie and grabbing a bite to eat later on. They’d talked and laughed and she’d smiled the entire time, enjoying every single moment. It had been a fairly normal night, nothing out of the ordinary, except for the fact that Rosie kept finding herself… incredibly distracted by the low-cut top Lisa had donned for their evening out. Rosie had thought she’d done a fairly good job of keeping her hands to herself, keeping the physical contact to hand holding and soft cheek kisses, though it had been a challenge. Or at least, she did a good job of withholding her desires for more until they’d gotten home.

Lisa had just closed and locked the door behind them when Rosie was on her, pressing her against it, one hand running through dark locks, the other awkwardly grasping under her leather jacket, lips eager and desperate. It had apparently taken Lisa a second to realize what was going on before firmly cupping Rosie’s face between her hands and pulling back just enough to find her voice.

“Chaeyoung-ah, what are you-”

But Rosie had immediately silenced her once again with an even more intense kiss, pushing her harder against the door, their bodies touching everywhere she could make them. It had lasted for all of thirty seconds more before a breathless Lisa had finally pulled away, her hands firmly gripping Rosie’s hips, holding the blonde at arm's length as she pushed them off the door.

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