Chapter 4

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He was sitting quietly.
"So tell me the reason why are you here?" Madeline asked.
He was looking down in a sorrow. "I don't know"
"What do you mean by you don't know."
He took a deep breath and started saying "They say when you don't know the cause why you died, in that case your soul remains in earth till you find the cause of your death."
She stood up and came forward to him and settled herself near him. She kept her hand on his face and said "Firstly, don't be sad. Secondly, you don't know how you died."
He landed his hand onto hers.
"Yours hands are so warm"
She was so stunned to hear what he said. As it was the first ever compliment from a guy she has received but she remained quiet. He was staring at her.
"I don't know how I died." He replied.
"You died in an accident."
"How do you know?"
Now she stood up and filled a glass of water she picked it up and started drinking it. After finishing she said "I saw your accident."
He holded her shoulder and moved her to face him. "Where did that accident happened. Take me to that place."
"Right now."
"Yes, right now." She backed away from him and went to wear the shoes.
"Come let's go."
She rushed out of her house and started walking down the stairs. She was walking ahead of him so she looked back to see if he is following and he was there. The cold breezes of night were so chilling, Madeline's hairs were moving here and there. She was feeling cold as her clothes were light but Zion was not able to help. After a couple of minutes, they reached the area. It was empty as it was the middle of the night.
"Look, here the car hitted you." She said and was standing on that place of road. "Now tell me why did you wanted to see this place?"
He looked at the place and he tried to remember the accident. He was thinking and his head started to ache. "Ahhh." He shouted and lied on the road. Firstly she was confused what to do but when she saw that he was lying in pain so she felt bad and went close to him and picked his head and kept it on her lap.
"Don't think so hard. I will help you and we have a lots of time just don't let yourself hurt like this." After hearing what she said he felt so lucky that someone in this universe is willing to help, so he hugged her tightly.
"Don't leave me alone, please." She moved her head and tried to stand. "Come try to get up."
"Can I hug you more. Because you are really warm and you make me remember my mom."
She remained quiet after hearing what he said.
"Try to stand up. Let's go home."
He slowly stood and she was supporting him to walk. They were walking slowly.
"Tell me something about you." Madeline asked.
He took a deep breath. "I don't remember."
"Don't you remember anything about you."
"So the point starts here."
"We will gather information about you so that we will know who is your enemy."
He looked confused. "I know where you used to study and now I will see your information record."
"And then." He asked.
"Then what? We will see after that."
He stood straight. "I have a question from you."
She looked at his eyes "and what is that?"
"Why are you so kind to me?"
She moved her eyes away after hearing this question. "What do you mean by that?" She asked in nervousness.
He gripped her arm and turned her to face him. "Look at my face and reply now why are you so kind?"
"Because..." Suddenly her heart beat started to race and she was not able to reply.
"What's happening here?"
She turned around to see who was here. It was her friend Aina. She was staring her in a  suspicious way.
"Hello Aina."
"What are you doing?"
"No. Nothing."
"I came to meet you. We will spend the night together today."
"Aren't you happy to see me?"
"What made you think like that?"
"It's just. Okay leave it. Let's go."
"Yeah." She said and turned her face to see Zion and he was smiling at her.
"What are you looking at?" Aina questioned.
"I... Was looking the road." She replied.
"Are you okay?"
"Why do you ask?"
"Because I feel like you're not."
"I am fine."
"Okay." She said and they went towards Madeline's house. They came inside and she felt a little warm.
"So tell me?" Aina said
"Will you continue your university?"
"Yeah, of course."
"From when?"
"What do you mean. You know I go there daily except Saturday and Sunday."
"Do you want to eat anything?"
"Yeah, actually I was hungry."
"I have noodles."
"I will love to eat that."
"Wait I will cook them for you." She replied and went to the kitchen. She was cooking noodles.
"Who is she?" Zion asked.
"Shut up right now."
"Why? I feel like I want to talk with you."
"Not right now."
"Whom are you talking to?" Aina questioned.
"No one. I like to talk to myself."
"Why don't you tell her about me"
She looked at him in and said "Noodles are ready."
"So bring them."
She bought the noodle and they both ate it. They were watching movie and in the middle of it they slept. Zion came near Madeline and kept a blanket on her.
"Silly kid." He smiled.

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