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Somethings are best unsaid.

"Come on maman, please !"I begged my mother for the hundredth time.

"I know my butterfly, but I don't think it's the right time there's a lot you don't know about " my mum responded over the phone.

"And don't you think it's a little too soon I mean meeting parents is a big step, my butterfly" she reasoned.

"Maman I know everything is too soon but I don't think there's anyone I'd want to be with" I said reflecting on how perfect Malcom was for me.

No one is entirely perfect but Malcom, he accepted me for me. I'm a rude selfish woman that I know but to have someone who can accept that, you don't find him anywhere.

A strange silence fell over us until I heard her sigh.

"Mum what did you mean by the there's a lot I don't know? What are you not telling me "I asked deciding to break up the silence.

"Fine when and where have you scheduled the dinner " she finally gave in.

"I'll be sending you the details this evening, thank you maman"

"Okay I'll hear from you then" she said and the line disconnected.

I sighed and entered my car. Even I didn't know why everything was moving so fast.

I mean Malcom and I had just confirmed our relationship and now he's dad wants to meet my family.

Sighing once again I started the car and drove off to go pick up Rexy. She needed something from Rivera suites and I just needed an excuse to see Malcom to talk to him about how everything is going so fast.

"Rexy why are you walking so fast " I said trying to catch up with her shorter frame.

"Rumie I've had a lot on my mind recently and I just want to be done with all this, okay?"she said.

"yeah I know but can you relax. And what is it that your not telling me ?"

I for one didn't see the point in walking so fast. She drove here like a maniac and now she wants to fly to this man's office. Which makes me even more curious about who exactly Easton is to her.

"It's nothing I just don't like being here" she said and talked to the receptionist to pass time.

As she asked, I continued looking around. The interior wasn't that bad but also wasn't up o standard.

"Hey, ill be back" I told Rexy who wasn't listening.

Wondering around the building I noticed the many paintings that were hung on the walls. They were all painted by the same artist. Each painting had a different texture. When I continued further down he halls, the paintings changed.

This most definitely had to be another artist. Everything was different from the others but they held so much emotion, the same emotion, sorrow.

"Beautiful isn't it" I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned to face a man I had never seen before. But he looked exactly like Malcom's father. Though a younger version of him. having seen the confusion in my eyes he decided to introduce himself.

"Easton Rivera " he said holding out his hand for me to shake.

who asked?

Dear God may my mean side not come out at this very moment because im probably lost and in need of directions.

But damn this fella is stuck up as hell. His face had the same expressions as a rock.

Does he even smile?

"I guess you've heard a lot about me before judging by your expression but allow me say that I don't care what you think. "He said with confidence but he's face remained expressionless.

I was beyond speechless at this point, I just laughed.

"Now I see why Rexy hates you so much" I said and offered him my hand to shake.

He's eyes softened a bit for a moment before he returned back to his robotic facial expression.

"I'm Rumie De Lisle, you know my sister Rexelle De Lisle " he remained silent after so I decided to change the conversation.

"Remarkable. They all are" I answered still mesmerized by the beauty each painting held.

"They are my brother's creation. And his mother's are down the other hall" he said gazing upon the paintings.

"These are Malcom's" I was shocked.

We continued until a painting in an office caught my attention the most.


This chapter is unedited. Rexy will be having her own story so I thought I should introduce Easton.

Go check out my new story

De Lisle✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora