Chapter 22

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Sasuke pov:

"Sasuke hold her" sakura demanded

I held a squirming Sarada in my hands as sakura tried to run the necessary tests on our daughter. Ever since yesterday Sarada has been on ten. She only wants me and sakura to hold her, she's not even like that, so its weird, if me and sakura aren't holding her she's whining or crying until we pick her up.

Which has become....undeniably annoying...

"Sarada, let mama just take a look at your eyes" sakura said in a soft tone holding up a small light pointing it into Sarada's eyes.

"Won't that hurt her vision?" I asked.

"No its fine, it's actually for me to examine her eyes throughly" she said struggling.

"What if she's just you know... that thing when babies like to chew on a lot of things"

"You mean..teething sasuke?" She asked as i nodded.

"If thats what its called yeah"

"That could be it, i mean its not rare for babies to teeth early but i would know if she was teething, it's something going on in this general area, i think its her eyes...does anyone in your family have bad eyesight?" She asked me.

"Well...come to think of it...itachi at one point did have to undergo surgery because he almost went blind...i think its a genetic thing though, I haven't dealt with it"

"What about koemi? Do you think it skipped a generation?" She said as i shrugged. "It's too early to tell, itachi didn't have bad eye issues until his early 20's" i said.

"Well i think Sarada is crying so much because her vision is bad, the reason she's crying is because her eyes may hurt, she could have been straining them and we probably didn't even know it, see here her pupils are slightly gray plus, the redness around them"

"So is she going blind?" I asked bluntly not liking the diagnosis sakura was giving Sarada.

"No, these signs are just ones that she has bad vision, i can prescribe her some glasses that are suitable and comfortable for a baby, and when she gets older some stronger ones, she'll be fine, but until the glasses come we'll have to get some
Medicated eye drops in her eyes, it'll probably be easier to do it when she's sleep" she said.

I had now turned Sarada around where she laid her head on my chest.

I rubbed her back softly as she calmed herself.

"Well sasuke, let me go see how koemi is doing with ino.. then I'm heading to perform surgery, you ca stay here with sarada since she seems worn out" sakura said as i looked down at sarada who was falling asleep.

"I can hold her and watch" i said as sakura shook her head.

"Sasuke, don't tire yourself or make yourself uncomfortable, i have a couch in here, you can lay her down and it in the chairs or next to her as she sleeps. It'll be best anyways, isn't naruto off today? Have him bring boruto up here and sit with you"

"Sure leave me with the dobe" i muttered as she giggled.

"You'll be fine, i have work to do, as soon as I'm done we can head our home" she said as i nodded.

I stood and placed sarada on the couch, laying a blanket over her body, i placed a bottle in the mini fridge, and sat down at sakura's desk.

She placed a kiss on sarada's cheek then walked over and placed one on mg forehead. But before she could walk away i grabbed her wrist.

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