Chapter 30

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Sasuke pov:

"I want to know who the fuck let him out and when!" Itachi yelled pacing through our father's office at the station.

We had all met back up at the station after finding out jester was out and was living among us.

Itachi said when koemi got home that all she did was lock herself in her room, she didn't eat and just brushes them off which I don't completely blame her.

She came face to face with the man who kidnapped her years ago.

"Itachi calm down...we're going to figure that out" father said.

"How could they release him without consulting us! Knowing what he did! Not only to koemi but to all those other children?!"

"Itachi!!" Our father yelled slamming his hand on his desk. "Listen I understand, but you have to let me handle this...just go home son... I can't have you emotionally drawn to this"

"Father" itachi said.

"He's right, brother, go be with your daughter, she needs you and izumi"

"Bu-..." he was about to go against it but me and father shook our heads. "Fine..but keep me.."

"Updated, we know, let me and my team handle this and father" i said as itachi nodded.

He eventually left and once he did i left and sat with naruto and karin who had been temporarily assigned to us. Since kakashi had been gone for a undercover assignment with another cop named yamato its just been us.

"Okay hinata we'll be sure to meet you there..alright love you and the kids...bye" the dobe said.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"Nosey much huh teme?" He said as i rolled my eyes.

"Yeah right"

"It was hinata telling me to meet with her and the others at the fair tonight"

"Thats tonight?" I asked as the dobe nodded.

"Yup all the girls are bringing the kids they're practically forcing us to go, which I don't blame them, alot happens in konoha now and days" he said.

"Well i hope you guys dont mind is me and Suigetsu tag along" karin said.

"Sure no problem the kids want to see their cousins anyways" naruto said to her.

"Whatever, i get to finally see sasuke's daughter, you never bring her around" karin said to me.

"Because she doesn't need to be. Why would i bring her to a place we bring criminals and where everyone here has a weapon on their hip?"

"Naruto has brung his kids before" she said.

"Naruto is a dobe" i said.

I was pulled from the conversation when my phone began to ring.


"Sasuke, when will you be home?"

"Later, why what's up?" I asked my wife.

"The fair sasuke, your daughter is excited and won't stop asking when you will get here so we can leave" i chuckled upon hearing that.

"Tell her I'll be there soon, we have alot of work to do" i said.

"I will let her know, be safe sasuke, we love you"

"I love you both to" i said hanging the phone up.

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