Chapter 53

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Sasuke pov:

1 week later.

"Why won't he stop" I said frustrated.

It was Sarada's very last day of school, and I decided to stay home with Sakura and Satoru.. but it's been a living hell. The baby won't stop wailing, Sakura is stressing out about Ino and figuring out what's a good waterpark to rent for Sarada's summer.

"Is he hungry?" Sakura asked

"I just fed him"

"Is he burped?" She said as I nodded.

"Okay have you checked his diaper" She said as I lifted him up bringing him up to my nose.. and did I fucking regret it.

"I see" I said as I grimaced holding my son out of my nose's  reach, walking upstairs to his changing station to change his filthy diaper.

After cleaning him up, he immediately calmed down and began to laugh and giggle with me.

"Tsk, You did that on purpose didn't you" I said looking down at him as he looked at me confused.

"Dont be confused now" I said lifting him.

I walked back downstairs with him to see Sakura on the phone.

"Great thank you so much!" She said as she did a little dance of joy.

"I take it someone let you rent out their waterpark"

"YES!" She said loudly. "Ugh thank god, okay they said for two days is $5,000" She said. "That also covers the hotel costs and everything else because this place is like a resort" she said.

"Okay thats fine we have that" I said as she smiled.

"Sarada and all the other kids are going to have a great time!" She said excitedly. Then she sighed.

"Whats the matter?"

"Its Ino... I think...I think she's doing drugs"  Sakura said causing my eyes to widen. "Hear me out, so you know most of the time when people are diagnosed with std's or any disease, they're given a high dosage of medication to basically mediate whats going on with them, and its just she's changed and just as yourself, I've seen my fair share of addicts or people becoming addicts.. and I think Ino is.. they give alot of medication to her Ive seen her list before and it's just...I don't know"

"You suspect she's on them"

"Yes.. okay so for instance, when she's around her eyes are always red with bags beneath them, but when she isn't like that..she has weird mannerisms.. I've been too big of a coward to ask because things have been weird between us.. the last thing any of us need is a intervention"

"Yeah.. so what about inojin? Will she be able to bring him?"

"Yeah, because sai won't be joining us, so inojin will be with Ino for the beginning of summer"

"Why isn't he joining?" I asked.

"Something he has to do out of town, apparently his brother is sick" Sakura said.

Funny I knew nothing about this.

I looked down at Satoru who was messing with my hair pulling it a little.

"Why son..why" I said taking his hands away as he got upset and began whining. "But it's my hair" I said as he only whined more.

"Aww come here, Your papa being stingy with his hair" Sakura said taking him from me as I rolled my eyes.

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