Not Good Enough(Sergio Ramos)

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Well here is the preview. I hope you guys like it! I really like the plot of this, it kinda hit me on the side of the head like 10 minutes ago, lmao. Well, anyway, Madridistas! Enjoy!


"So, do you want to?" He asked with hopeful eyes.

So, let's start with this. I have a very, VERY shallow personality--or at least that's how it was when I was in high school. It wasn't hard for me to reject a guy. A simple 'no' wouldn't suffice for me.


I would have to make it way obvious that I was not interested. It was unbelievable how many guys would come up to me that were so odd and unpleasant to look at and ask me out on a date or to be their girl friend. Through tout my whole high school career, I only had feelings for one guy.

His name was Sergio Ramos.

The funny part was, he was definitely not the person I would date.

He wore thick, black glasses that covered almost half his face, he had a tall and lanky stature, his hair was a grease pit, and he was definitely isolated from my social circle. But there was something about Sergio. He was my friend since we were in the play pen and we did everything together. Everyone in our families thought that we were going to date and get married, and to be honest, that is how I wanted it.

Hip to hip, that is how it has been for 15 years. Then high school cut us apart. I was already pulled into the "popular" crowd with me being on the cheer leading team and because they would consider me as good looking, and pushed Sergio far away from me. My "friends" would make excuses that I didn't need Sergio in my life and at one point, I believed them.

I had become so nasty towards him and would be apart of the pranks the kids would pull on him. It was so surprising that he was still willing to be my friend.

I would of had Sergio be my boyfriend by now--if he was considered cool. But he's not so even though I am the queen of rejecting, I find it extremely hard to reject the only guy that I have dreamed of being with since the age of 6.

"I can take you to the movies, and maybe some dinner, or ooh we can--"

"Sergio." I whispered and pushed the bouquet of flowers he held in front of my face. His hands were trembling slightly and he had beads of sweat built up on his forehead. The normally greasy hair strands on his head were washed and brushed back to the side of his head. At this moment, he looked perfectly perfect. Like my Sergio.


"No.." I swallowed hard and turned my focus on something else other than his eyes. Breaking the heart of the man I love is the worst thing I ever experienced in my life. He wanted me, like I wanted him. But my shallowness and high school cliques were setting us apart.

"No?" His voice was weak and after a moment of silence, he sighed.

"I should have known. I was so stupid for trying..sorry, Rosalia." Was the last thing he said before he threw down the flowers and stormed off my front porch. My insides were screaming his name, but my body refused to move. Once he was out of sight. I ran in my house and cried my eyes out.

After that terrible night, Sergio refused to talk to me or make any eye contact with me. Even if our families got together. Nothing, nada.

On one horrible day of my senior year, my clique decided on doing a senior prank on one of the losers. "How about, Lonnie Romero?"

They all shook their heads. "Who else?"

One of the girls at the table shot up. "Sergio Ramos!"

"Perfect!" Everyone nodded their heads in approval and high fived each other. I swear at that moment, I felt paralyzed and couldn't breath. So what do I do?

I sat and watched.

Watched the man I was in love with getting pranked by the most gruesome prank I have ever seen.

During lunch one day, they spotted Sergio walking through the cafeteria and they grinned a mischievous grin. "Aye loser Ramos!" They screamed in unison. Sergio rolled his eyes and turned their way. "What do you wan--"

Before he could finish his sentence, a dozen water balloons filled with yellow paint and other gross condiments covered his whole body. The cafeteria hushed before turning into laughter. This wasn't the worse part. Two boys came up from behind with a bucket and poured sour milk and feathers over the paint. He took a look at his body and looked up. At that moment, our eyes clicked. I gave him an apologetic look but he only shot me a glare that I will never forget.

"I hate you." He mouthed.

That's where we left off folks. After graduation, he moved from Seville.

I eventually ended up moving to Madrid since jobs were getting pretty scarce in Seville so moving was the only option I had.

The only thing I could do is move on, right?

If that is even possible.


OK maybe the preview was kinda bad..sorry but I have high hopes for this one guys!

Here is the cast though:

Sergio Ramos-Himself

Kristen Kreuk- Rosalia Vasquez

 Erica Durance- Kassidy Morales

I'll probably add more characters but..yeah.


Not Good Enough(Sergio Ramos)Where stories live. Discover now