Chapter 2- Don't Come In Any Closer

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I would like to say that I am pleased with the feedback that I am getting with this story. I will continue to update Carnival Of Lust and Don't Forget My Name. Don't Forget My Name is almost finished, I plan to have only 10 chapters in that story. I will more than likely write another one aha. As for this story, I can see it having more than one book. Maybe two stories. We'll see ;). Also, its the last semester of my senior year so I will be doing my senior stuff so updating frequently isn't really going to happen guys :/. I'm sorry..I wish I could update every single day but I can't. Especially since I am a spontaneous writer and write what comes to me. Anyway, stay tuned and I hope you enjoy.



Girlfriend! He has a fucking girlfriend! A gorgeous one at that. Did you know how stupid and immature I felt at that very moment? Sure, I actually did want to talk to Sergio again after so long, but there was something else in me that wanted us to start where we should have.

In love.

Obviously he doesn't have feelings for me anymore. Now that I look at it, he was actually trying to shoo me away. I don't know if it is how I look now or if I came on too strong, but it repelled him away.

I sighed, frustrated by the passed hours. Who am I kidding anyway? It was six years ago. I am so, so stupid to think that with just one re appearance, I could win Sergio's heart again like I did 6 years ago. I never really did get over him. Yeah, I've gone on dates, but they never really lasted. None of the men that I went out with were like Sergio.

"Rose." Kassidy snapped her fingers continuously in my face. "Where's your head at?"


"Uh, just thinking about how good we did today."

Ok, so let me tell you right now that lieing definately was not my specialist. Apparently, I tend to narrow my eyes and blush furiously when lieing, which unfortunately, is too much of an obvious tell.

"Something is wrong. Was it that one guy--"

"No! I didn't even know the guy!" I spat, instantly regretting it. Seconds later, heat prickled my cheeks and my eyes narrowed so much that my eyes hurt. Of course, Kassidy could tell it was a lie. She crossed her arms and arched her eyebrows. Her already perky lips were formed in a light pucker. I've known Kassidy for 4 years, and I know that this was her way of saying "do you think I'm that stupid?"

"Seriously Kass, just thought he was good looking. " I refused to make eye contact with her, if I did, I'd crack.

"You really think I'm going to believe that?"

Shrugging my shoulders, I managed on smiling meekly. "I was hoping.."

A large smile slithered on her face. " Who is he?"

Fuck, now I have to tell her. If I don't, she'll never let me live it down. "Sergio Ramos." I started. Nodding her head, she took a small sip of her iced mocha. "I use to know him. Really well actually." My hands were moving rapidly and the more I got into detail, the more faster I started talking.

"InhighschoolIrejectedhimbutIlovedhimandIstilllovehimandnowhesasexgodwithanequallygoodlookinggirlfriend!" At the end of my explaination, my breathing was thin and I began to pant. The look on Kassidy's face didn't show any confusion. It didn't show any expression at all,actually.

"I love him." My voice was a little above a whisper and I could feel the heat poke my cheeks again. "So now I have to get over him."

"Or, Or, Or," She held her index finger up, "You could make him fall back in love with you."

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