Chapter 3- Time To Get Noticed.

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Sorry guys, this was a shorty. Anyway! For the nonspanish speakers! I advise you to look up the English translation of Malevo. The song is important, so once Rosalia and Kassidy are at the station, play the song.


Love you, Madridistas!!


I had always liked the hours of the night. It may have been because the darkness and silence would mute anything that would otherwise distract and/ or send me into the path of frenzy. Why am i like this? I didn't know exactly why, but the 'why' of this matter doesn't really concern me anymore.

With much convincing, Kassidy went back to the apartment that we shared and got some shut eye.

It didn't really occur to me that it was well passed midnight and the dawning feeling overcame to me that I had work in the morning. Throughout the evening, Kassidy sat at the care table simply plotting ways to get me and Sergio back. With much thought, I decided to leave Sergio alone. If he wants to talk to me, he can, but I was definately not going to become a home wrecker.

Sergio was happy for once. And to be honest, I think the main thing I wanted from him was our friendship back.

I shook my head. No. I was not going to use my free time to think of Sergio. What was I thinking? It was 6 years ago, Rosie.

The road I walked on was tattooed by the ceaseless come-and-go of bike tires and other possible markings. I could have called for a taxi but this was one of those splendid, mute nights that were rare. This particular night was different and to sit in a car and not enjoy this beauty through it on my own two feet would be nothing short of a crime.

As I continued down the path that I was leading me to the unknown, I just held my head down. Of course, there was a con to not paying attention. My crime was running into a brick like object. A wall, maybe?

"Excuse me." A voice came from the darkness, signaling me that it wasn't an inanimate object that I had run into, but a person.

"Oh, no excuse me. If I was paying attention, I probably wouldn't of ran into you."

The man stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked at his shoes. "Looks like we both should watch where we walk." As he smile, a deep dimple came on each cheek.

After a moment of silence, he looked up. "What brings you out so late?"

I shrugged my shoulders and shot a small smile. "Clearing my head? You?"

"Same." He answered bluntly. At this point, I wasn't sure to be creeped or to feel neutral. Then again, it was the early hours of the morning. "I really should get going." I manage to hide the shaking of my voice, but obviously not well enough. He cocked his head and stepped back. " I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you."

"No, no." I shook my head and flashed him a small smile. "You're fine."

The man held out his hand while returning the small, his being more warm. "Sami. Sami Khedira."


"I know, I saw you earlier. I play on Real Madrid as well but never really got to introduce myself."

I tried to think back to all the ken in the circle. As the light of the street lights shone his features more, he began to look recognizable. "Ah, yes, I remember you."

A smile spread on his face, igniting the lights in his eyes. "Well, that's good."

"It was nice meeting you, Sami." I spoke quite hasty once I read on my phone that it was almost 2:30 am. "I have to be at work by 6:00."

Not Good Enough(Sergio Ramos)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें