Chapter One- You get the drift

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Mm. Hope you like it! It's kind of boring and poorly written, but I wanted to get a start on it!

Comment and like my loves!

Hala Madrid!


*6 years later*


Going live in






"Hello sunny Madrid, this is one your lovely radio hostess, Rosalia giving you your bachata fix. Yeah yeah, I know what you're thinking..who listens to bachata anymore? You'd be surprised. "

I flipped the switch to play the first song of the morning.

"Here's your first. The king, stays king."

Within seconds, Que Se Mueren by Romeo Santos. A huge sigh escaped from my mouth once I removed the large headphones off of my ears. The pressure it puts on my head is enormous but I love this job nether the less.

"Ayo MC!" Kassidy came into the studio and sat on the partner chair next to me. "Sorry I am late." She ignored sharp glare that I was providing, she knew how much I hated opening up by myself. Personally I'm so shy when it comes to speaking on the radio alone. That is why Kassidy is my partner. The crazy, outgoing character she contains definately has a large impact on me. It was almost contagious.

"You did good. No need with the eyes, amor. "

Before I could open my mouth and spit out the lovely yet evil comeback, she flipped the switch and the sign that read 'live' began to glow brightly.

"How was that?" She spoke and gave me a look at the side of her eyes. "His voice is like butter, ay ay ay!"

"He's definately naassttyy." I tried my best and imitated Romeo's voice, but sounded lame instead.

Kassidy smiled, shaking her head. "How many of you are Madridistas?"

"Probably all of the listening area." I giggled, "Come check out the game tomorrow and hear our oh sensational commentary. "

"Hala Madrid!" We shouted in unison. Kassidy turned on another song and faced me. It didn't take her long to realized the uncomfortable expression that I had on.

"You'll do fine, tomorrow. "


Don't you lie!

Commentary on a football game. Trust me, I'd love too! IF I knew the team and the players. This Real Madrid team, I knew nothing about.

Football was not a sport I watched often, and if I were to watch football, it would be Brazil. And even when I watch Brazil I only know like 3 players. Real Madrid, I know no one!

This is going to be bad.


"I don't know the players, Kass!" My fingers ran through my bangs as I let out a frustrated sigh. "What do I say? Number 6 has the ball, passing it to number 7."

"We have a meet and greet before the game. C'mon. They won't let us be commentaries if we didn't know the players."

Even though there was some sense in this, it didn't make me feel anymore comfortable. But in the sake of her job, there was no backing out now.

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