Undyne to the rescue!

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Third Person POV

"Oh- yea. Let's take a shortcut, it'll be faster." Carrot says while grabbing Undyne's hand and snapping his bone fingers. They then teleport in Snowdin where Cinnamon and Edge are. "And... it appears that Edge is also mesmerized by the weird snow pile..." Carrot says a bit annoyed about this snow pile thing, plus the weird tree in Snowdin forest. Carrot then shakes Edge to snap him out of it, which works momentarily. "AH- O-oh.. Hey.." Edge greets Carrot, a little bit embarrassed about his squeal. Carrot walks up to Cinnamon and starts shaking him also, but, this time it didn't work!

"What? Why isn't it working? It worked last time..." Carrot says a bit worried about his friend and confused. Undyne also becomes worried, hoping that Cinnamon is okay. "Here, let me try. You're not shaking him hard enough." Edge says, going up to Carrot and Cinnamon, disconnecting Carrots arms from him. Edge then starts violently shaking Cinnamon, which still doesn't work. "WHAT THE HELL?! WHY WON'T IT WORK!?" Edge yells engulfed with rage that his technique isn't working. "It would've stopped working eventually, I guess.." Carrot remarks, feeling a bit defeated.

Carrot then sits down, feeling powerless and sad that he couldn't help his friend. "Wait, I have an idea." Undyne says, walking up to the snow pile, making sure not to look at it. Undyne then, lifts her boot up above the snow pile, and stomps it. But, before her boot made contact with the snow pile, something hurt her foot. "AH, SHIT!" Undyne spouts while being in pain. "Well, maybe if we just.." Edge says, cutting himself off while 'soul' grabbing the snow pile and flinging it with his magic. "Are you fucking serious?" Carrot says feeling very hot-tempered that they just had to fling it with magic. "I mean, it worked... Didn't it?" Edge says, starting to feel like it didn't work. But then, a slight hope fills them as Cinnamon stands up straight and rubs his eyes.

"What happened..?" Cinnamon asks, feeling a bit exhausted from slouching for so long. "Papyrus! Are you okay?!" Undyne asks while hooking her arms around Cinnamon for dear life. Cinnamon starts to blush uncontrollably, while Carrot and Edge make that face at Cinnamon. "Oh, stop it..." Cinnamon says at Edge and Carrot, becoming embarrassed. "Fine, fine..." Carrot says while him and Edge both stop and just stand there. Undyne stops hugging him, after realizing that she hugged him in the first place while blushing. "S-Sorry about that.." Undyne says kind of whispering. "It's fine." Cinnamon plainly says while recollecting himself.

"So.... when are we gonna, do something besides stand here? We don't want you watch your lovers quarrel." Edge says, kind of disgusted at this cheesy romance novel unfolding in his eye sight. "Yea yea, let's just get a move on." Carrot says, while taking the cigarette he recently lighted into the middle of his index and middle finger. "Stop rushing, you two. It's extremely annoying." Cinnamon remarks at Edge's and Carrot's statements. "Wait, what was that sound..?" Carrot asks while a random sound that sounded like a door happened near by. "It sounded like... my house door..!" Cinnamon says while freaking out, as Sans came out the door and seen all four of them together. "What. the. hell?!" Sans says while being in utter shock of Papyrus and Undyne with Carrot and Edge. "I- Uh- It's not what it looks like, Sans!" Cinnamon spits out quickly to try and cover it up.

"Explain. Now." Sans says sternly with his eyes clear of white pupils. "I-I-I- I don't know them! I swear!" Cinnamon says to Sans scared he'll get yelled at or get any punishment for not telling Sans he knows. "Rude..." Edge mumbles to himself about Cinnamon's comment. "What was that? You know I know your brother, right Edge?" Sans says in an alarming tone. "How do you know my nickname? I've never talked to you. I don't even know you!" Edge says frightened and shocked Sans knew his nickname. "Your brother calls you Edge all the time, that's how. And, what are you doing here? This isn't your AU- *ahem* town.." Sans cuts himself off to not spew about the AU thing.

"AU? What's an AU? I've never heard of an 'AU' before." Edge says, playing dumb so he doesn't get caught. Carrot and Cinnamon quickly catch the act, and do the same. "Yea brother, what's an AU? You've never said that before. It sounds like an acronym." Cinnamon replies to Sanses comment about AU's, that he didn't mean to talk about. Carrot was about to act dumb and not know about AU's, until he remembered Sans knows he knows about AU's. "I-I- Uhhh- Well- Um-... Don't worry about it, it's nothing." Sans spouts out, trying to cover up what he said. "Mhm... Yea, it's nothing..." Cinnamon says in a suspicion that Sans is lying.

"Uh- I don't know who they are either, I just came here to visit Papyrus and they were here.." Undyne says, after letting the other two talk it out, so she can cover herself up without suspicion. "You never really visit without a reason Undyne, what's the occasion?" Sans asks, suspicious of Undyne's 'reasoning' of why she's here. Edge and Carrot decide not to get involved, or they'd have to do a bunch of lying to make Sans think they don't know how they got here, or what an AU is. "Ummm, I-I was bored, of being alone w-with nothing to do, so I-I decided to visit..." Undyne stutters a bit to spit out an excuse.

"Okay... What about you Papyrus? If you don't know them, why are you with them? Didn't ever come across your mind that they could be dangerous?" Sans remarks about what Cinnamon said earlier. "HEY! I'm not dangerous!" Edge yells at Sans out of anger about being 'dangerous'. "I know your brother Edge, I told you already. I hope you realize I can tell him you aren't in your own- town." Sans replies to Edge's yelling, stopping for a second before saying 'town'. "I- He isn't my boss. He's a lazy, weak, excuse of a brother. If anything, I'm HIS boss." Edge says, truly in his heart not wanting to call his brother rude names.

"Mhm..." Sans remarks in a mocking tone. Carrot is just standing there, staying completely silent, as he doesn't want to be apart of this 'argument'. "And Carrot, what are you doing here? Why are you in our- town? Don't you have a brother?" Sans asks, wondering why Carrot came here in the first place. "I don't always have to look after him. Plus, he's older than me, and can take care of himself better than me." Carrot replies to Sans question, with a very reasonable excuse, to the point where it's surprising that it's an excuse. "Okay... I guess you are right about those two reasons." Sans says, feeling a bit defeated. "Papyrus, you're coming home with me. We have to 'talk'. And you three, go home." Sans demands in a stern tone. "Fine by me, I guess.." Undyne mumbles, before walking away. And Edge and Carrot just walk away side by side, going the same direction.

Hope you guys enjoyed this part! I worked really hard on it and it's longer than the other parts! You'll see what I mean when you look at the word count! By the way, sorry that it took me like, 4 hours to pop out a new part. I got really distracted with a bit of family stuff, and if you've ever written, like a school project or something, or on Wattpad, like me rn, you know how long it can take. Anyways, drink some water, eat some food, and enjoy whatever your doing on Wattpad! Also, before I stop writing and do the word count n' stuff, I never really showed how appreciative I was with the whole rank #3 in the 'utpapyrus' tag, I'm honestly SOOOOO happy and appreciate you guys reading this garbage skit that might turn into a garbage story (as I mentioned in my author's note) to the point where I got in the top #3 in the 'utpapyrus' tag! I really appreciate that I've got such a high rank already, and this is just the second day writing this garbage. I am really happy and so glad you guys read and actually enjoy (or not idk lol) this shitpost (oh no it's a bad no no word :0 ) Anyways, toodles and I'll see y'all in the next part!

Word count: 1425

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