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Cole walked into the old warehouse with Dru as he said, "Remember what I said Dru; you can only play with Paige, don't mess with the other two do you understand."

Dru nodded as she went to play with her new toy. Cole walked over to Phoebe, and said, "Why so sad, isn't this what you want?"

Phoebe glared at him as she said, "I'm so gonna vanquish your sorry ass."

Cole had an enraged expression on his face as he yelled, "just wait you'll be singing a different tune in a couple of minutes."

Piper having finally regained conciseness said, "You can't have my baby."

Dru walked over to her, and purred as she said, "You silly little witch we can have anything we want."

Piper spat in her face as she said through clenched teeth, "I'll kill you both, or die trying before I let you have my baby."

Dru slapped her hard across the face as she said in a stern voice, "You are a very naughty lil girl you shall not have any tea, or cake."

Cole walked over to Piper, and warned, "Don't make her angry Piper, I don't know what she'll do."

Paige said weakly from her position on the floor, "Spike and Leo will rescue us."

Cole whirled, and with rage burning in his eyes he smiled evilly as he said, "I hope they do' we have a surprise for them don't we Dru."

Dru nodded as she called for several demons, "Take the naughty lil witch to the special room."

The demons roughly grabbed Paige, and carried her into the back. Phoebe screamed at Cole, "If your planning on getting me back this is not the way to go about it."

Cole grinned maliciously as he said, "Believe me Phoebe if I could turn back time I would."

Piper glared at Cole as she said with a voice full of venom, "Cole I swear to god I will kill you."

Cole viciously backhanded her as he yelled, " Why don't you just shut the hell up."

Piper spit a mouthful of blood into his face as hissed, "You'll pay for that."

Dru licked her lips as she watched Paige orb around the room. She cackled maniacally as Paige hit the floor with a resounding crash. She walked over, and jerked Paige up by the hair as she said, "Naughty lil witch tryin to escape she is. She has gone, and infected my poor Spike. Now I must infect her."

Paige screamed as Drusilla bit into her throat, but she suddenly became silent as Dru began to drink. Just before her heart quit beating Dru stopped, tore open her own wrist, and shoved it to Paige's mouth. Paige began to drink slowly at first, but soon she began drinking with enthusiasm. After she was done drinking she began to shake as her body died. After the shaking had subsided Paige rose to her feet a vampire. She looked at Dru, and in a voice as slick as silk she purred, "I'm hungry sire."

Dru said softly, "I know my darling, but you must until dear William arrives."

Paige had an evil gleam in her eye as she purred, "Yea I can't wait till Spike sees how much I've changed."

Just then there was a loud crash in the other room followed by bright white lights. As soon as Spike landed his daggers were in his hands. He ripped through demons like they were nothing. Piper whispered to Phoebe, "He's really pissed."

Phoebe nodded as she whispered back, "Look at your husband the pacifist."

Piper looked over at her husband, who at the moment was throwing white balls of lightning at every demon who got in his way. In a matter of minutes Leo was there. He embraced Piper, and they passionately kissed. After a few minutes they broke apart. Leo said, "I'm going to get you outta here while Spike covers us. Where's Paige?"

Piper said as Leo finished breaking Phoebes chains, "That crazy vamp bitch carried her off somewhere we have to find her."

Leo shook his head, and said, "No time. Spike can find her we have to get out of here."

With that he orbed them back to the manor. Cole shimmered out after he watched Phoebe leave with Piper, and Leo, but he was comforted by the fact that Dru had turned Paige. Spike had killed every demon in the warehouse, and he still hadn't found Paige. He was suddenly aware of the presence of two vamps behind him. He whirled around in gameface, golden eyes blazing, and felt instant uncontrollable rage, and sorrow at the sight of Paige being turned. He growled in a dark, deadly voice, "Dru what have you done."

She cackled maniacally as she said, "Look Spike you have a new-."

Spike sent a stake straight through her heart dusting her instantly. Paige screamed as she ran at Spike in full gameface. Spike effortlessly dodged all of her attacks, then he prayed she would forgive him as knocked her unconscious, scooped her up, and carried her back to the manor

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