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The Hyperion

They arrived at the Hyperion a little after 1 in the morning. Spike parked the bike, turned off the engine and he and Paige walked up to the door and walked in. The lobby was empty and dark except for the light coming out from under Wes's office door. He led Paige to the door, quietly knocked, and walked in before Wes could reply. He leaned against the door while she walked in and took seat and he said, " Hiya Percy been awhile."

Wes looked up startled at first; then when he saw Spike he said, "Giles called, and told me about a Charmed One becoming a vampire."

Spike smirked as he lit a cigarette and said, "She was but her humanity was restored by an old enemy turned ally."

Wes looked confused as he asked, "Please explain Spike."

Spike took a deep drag off his cigarette, and started to the story. An hour later Wes said, "Let me get this straight she's human, but she's got heightened senses, preternatural strength sped, and agility plus accelerated healing."

Spike nodded as he said, "Don't forget bein Immortal, which is what we need to talk to you about. Remember when I helped out with the whole Beast situation 6 months ago, and you were tellin me about the Shanshu prophecy?"

Wes nodded as he continued, "Well I was wondering if she'll become human when I do?"

Wes sat back in his chair, and said, "Give me a few days to research this and I'll have an answer for you both."

Spike thanked him and rose to leave the office when Angel came striding in. He looked at Spike as he said, "Hey Spike what are you doing here?"

Spike smirked as he draped an arm over Paige's shoulder and drawled, "I ran into an old friend of ours earlier."

Angel asked apprehensively as Cordelia came over to them and put her arm around Angel, "Who was it?"

Spike nodded at Cordy as he said, "It was Talus Danek. Apparently he hated us both but in the end he proved to be a good man by restoring Paige's humanity and sacrificing himself to kill Belthazor."

Angel looked confused as Cordy asked, "Wait I'm confused what do you mean restored her humanity?"

Spike drawled as he lit a cigarette, "Dru turned her into a vampire but the weird part was she still had her soul. We went to rescue her sisters and when we got there we found Danek instead. He said he was going to kill me for what we did to his family but I told him I am a different person now. He did some kind of weird spell on me that showed him I had a soul but that was after he restored her humanity. It was really somethin to watch Angel. I mean all he really did was place his hands on her shoulders, and chanted real low, so low in fact I couldn't hear what he was saying, but anyway he placed his hands on her shoulders and this strange golden glow enveloped her and in about 20 minutes her heart was beating again."

Angel was stunned as Gunn walked in with Fred and asked, " Who's bike is that out-. Wassup Spike; long time no see dawg."

Spike smirked as he drawled, "Hiya Charlie. Hey pet."

Fred ran over and flung her arms around Spike's neck as she said, "Spike I've missed you."

Spike returned the hug as he said, "I've missed you too pet. I want you to meet Paige."

Gunn and Fred said hello as Angel asked, "Gunn where's Connor, and Lorne?"

Gunn said, " Lorne said, he had a reading to do and Connor had to go check on his sisters."

Angel was about to ask another question when the door opened and Connor and Faith walked in. Connor looked over at Spike and said, "Hey Spike ya wanna patrol with me?"

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