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The Hyperion

An hour later

Angel and Spike came flying through the hotel doors only to be stopped by Gunn; who asked, "Did the bitch tell ya were Fred was."

Spike said as he lit a cigarette, "It was the Immortal, an no sorry she didn't tell us where the girls were."

Gunn slammed his fist down on the counter as he yelled, "Damn it."

Faith and Wes came running out of the kitchen when they heard Gunn's outburst. Wes asked as he helped Faith sit down, "Have you found them?"

Spike said, "Well yes an no mate. We found who the git was that had em captured but not where they're at."

He walked over to Faith, crouched down in front of her and offered her a cigarette as he gently asked "Can ya explain how ya were attacked by vamps in broad bloody daylight?"

She accepted the cigarette and let him light it as she said, "We were shopping when all of a sudden we were surrounded by werewolves. I managed to kill a few of them and so did Paige, she needs help with her fighting by the way, anyway we were doing good until a mob of vamps descend upon us. I was knocked unconscious and when I came to there was nobody there."

Spike was about to say something when the lobby was filled with shimmering lights. Spike muttered under his breath, "Bloody hell."

Within moments the lights began to take form. And standing before the stunned members of AI were Leo, Piper and Phoebe. Leo asked, "Spike where's Paige?"

Spike lit a cigarette as he said, "She was captured by an old enemy of mine."

Phoebe got right into his face and started yelling,"I knew you would get her hurt. You're no good for her."

Angel jumped in to defend his grandchilde, "Look lady I don't know who the hell you people are and frankly I don't give a damn, Spike has been running himself ragged trying to find Paige and the girls. So just back the hell off."

They all were stunned at Angel's outburst and after several minutes Piper asked, "Who the hell are you?"

Leo said before Angel could reply, "His name is Angel he's the other vampire with a soul."

Wesley asked, "You are the other two Charmed Ones correct?"

Piper and Phoebe nodded as Connor said from his position against the wall, "Cut Spike some slack he didn't know the Immortal would attack."

Piper said, "He could've called us."

Gunn asked, "How did you know anyway?"

Piper said, "Phoebe had a premonition of Paige in trouble."

At that moment both Spike, and Angel doubled over in pain. Wesley rushed over to them and asked, "Are you two all right?"

Spike was in gameface as he growled, "He's hurting them again. I swear I'll kill him."

Angel said now in gameface as well, "No we'll kill him. Let's go."

And with that the two ensouled vampires and Connor rushed out into the night. Phoebe stared out into the night as she said, "They left us."

Wes said, "They don't want any help."

Piper said, "Well that kid went with them."

Gunn said as he polished his trusty hubcap axe, "Connor that's Angel's son. He went cause Cordy's the only mom he's ever had and Spike's like his older brother."

Two hours later

They had been searching for two hours and had come up with nothing. pike sighed as they walked into what seemed like the thousandth demon bar. They walked through the door and Spike ordered beers for him and Angel while Angel and Connor talked to some of the customers. Spike asked the bartender, "Ya know where the Immortal is mate?"

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