SS-3: The Brown Haired Boy

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??? POV


"Dad, where are we going?" I asked, looking at my dad as he continued driving.

"Just some more time dear, why not sleep until then" he replied as he looked at me and smiled.

"But I just woke up" I replied as I rubbed my eyes and yawned.

"It will just take us another half an hour daughter. But trust me, you will love this place" he said, looking excited.

I laughed as he got excited. Even though he maybe a great father, at times even he acted like a child. We soon reached to what looked like a horror mansion. We were deep inside the forest.

As we parked our car, a heavily armored guard walked to us. He scanned my father's face and then gave a green signal. We were then allowed to enter. As I walked in through the gate, I was amazed to see the magnificent building that stood in front of me. On top the words 'The White Room' were written. Reading those words made me curious, I wanted to know what this building was about.

As we entered the building, I was truly amazed. I felt that I had entered a completely different world, a world which was devoid of colors, a world which only knew of the color white. 'Now I get why the name is that' I thought as I continue following my father. "Dad what is the purpose of this building? I still haven't understood why you brought me here."

"Just follow me daughter" he replied.

Walking for a few minutes, we finally stopped in front of a door. He opened the door and stepped inside, indicating for me to follow. As we stepped in, I saw a giant window on the left side. It was made of a unidirectional perspective glass, the kind of special glass with a high reflection ratio to visible light, usually used for covert observation. Through the glass, I could see a golden haired boy sitting on a chair, he was playing chess with an adult. He was dressed in white, and from what I could tell, his eyes were special.

"Hello Sakayanagi-kun. You finally came" a man dressed in a black suit as he greeted my father.

"Hello sensei. Yeah, pardon me for the delay. I was actually bringing my daughter along you see" he replied with a quick smile and looked at me. "Her name is Arisu" he felt proud, introducing me.

"Oh I see" he looked at me. "Greetings Arisu-chan. I am your father's sensei well you can call me Professor Ayanokouji." He then turned his attention back to my father. "So do you want to enroll her here" he asked.

I looked a bit confused by this. "Enrolled? What does he mean by that father?" I asked.

"Nothing daughter. Just ignore that" he replied, reassuring me. "No sensei, that is not the case at all. I was just hoping my daughter could meet him."

"Hmm lets see. Well he is kind of busy right now so next time maybe? We are currently testing how far has he progressed from the last time he played chess. Up until now, he has been quite relentless and has managed to defeat all of his opponents" he replied as he fixed his glasses.

I, on the other hand, was ignoring all of this as I was admiring the boy on the other side of the glass, he looked so calm yet mentally cold. Those eyes of his longed for some emotions, some human warmth. 

"Father who is he?" I asked, unable to contain my curiosity any further.

"Oh him? He is-"

"He is my son, Kiyotaka Ayanokouji" before my father could finish answering, Professor Ayanokouji answered. 

"Can he see us?" I asked as I tried knocking on the glass.

"Nope he cannot. This is a special kind of glass which prevents the one on the other side from seeing us" he answered.

"Why is he dressed like that? And why is he playing chess with that other man? Can I play with him?" I asked as I looked a bit excited hoping I would be allowed to.

"I wish you could Arisu. But right now, nobody is allowed to make contact with him as he is undergoing a test" instead of Professor Ayanokouji, my father explained as he stood beside me. 

"Father his eyes" I reply as I get somewhat saddened by looking at the boy.

"His eyes right" he replied as smiled bitterly.

"Those eyes express deep pain and immense suffering. Its as if-"

"Its as if they long for warmth, human warmth. That's what you were going to say right" he asks as he looks at me and smiles. 

"What is this place all about? And who is that Professor really dad?" I ask, my curiosity only increasing. "Why can't I play with him?"

"One day daughter, one day. One day, all of these questions of yours will be answered. One day, you will play with him, I promise" he replied as he smiled. 

I simply nodded along, not understanding anything at that time.

[Back to present]

I yawn as I rub my eyes and slowly wake up. Today was the day that the results were due, today I would get to know who scored the highest and how well did Class A do. As I got up, still yawning, I got ready for my class and left my room. 

Outside my room, a girl with thigh-length purple hair, tied in a long ponytail on the right side with bangs swept to the right side and purple eyes was waiting. Her name was Masumi Kamuro and she was my right hand. A week after the entrance ceremony of the school, I had caught her shoplifting a can of beer, and while it wasn't very right, I let is slide away in exchange for her to serve me. I found her to be quite interesting and honestly, worth teasing. 

As we entered our class, the atmosphere and surroundings changed as I sat down. Everybody was quiet and sat down on their seats. Our homeroom teacher, Mashima-sensei walked in. He had the results in his hand which were printed on a white poster. His posture, everything had a slight change in it today.

He placed the poster on the whiteboard and said "The results for the special exam are out. As usual, you all have done extremely well." He then turned in my direction, facing me. "Arisu Sakayanagi, where did you go wrong?" he asked, to which the whole class turned towards me, looking somewhat shocked. 

"What do you mean sensei?" I myself being a bit confused asked him. 

"What I mean is this" he replied as he pointed at the blackboard, towards the poster. Focusing my eyes, I took a look at the poster and it shocked me for a moment. 

[What the poster displayed]

These are the results of the first year students overall:

1st place- Kiyotaka Ayanokouji (Class D)

2nd place- Arisu Sakayanagi (Class A)

3rd place- Rokusuke Koenji (Class D)

"Fufufufu well if it isn't true" I smirk as I mumble. "It really is him" I say as I start laughing. 


A.N.: Hey guyyys as promised, here is the new short story :D Hope you all will like it :)

Also regarding the Halloween themed special chapter..pls tell me here if you'd like for me to write one up or not? Coz if it's a yes I'll have to start thinking of some sort of plot coz I don't have anything on me yet :0 so yea :)

Have a lovely day/night ^^

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