Chapter 1: Reality

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Chapter 1: Reality

     All of us, right now, are in reality. What would it be like to leave it? And if this is reality... What isn't?  Is there a world that isn't reality? An illusion?

               My thoughts were always clouded with weird strange questions that made my head hurt. Questions that didn't make sense, yet there was an answer, and I couldn't find it. As if that made any sense! I thought. It was these things that kept me up at night, staring out the window.

             "Avery!" my mom shouted from downstairs, “Lights Out!"

              I glanced at the clock it was 10:00 on a Thursday. Crap! I thought. For a 15 (almost 16) year old I needed an abnormal amount of sleep. My mom says it’s because I spend an hour before I fall asleep thinking and staring out a window, and she's probably right. It's not like I was crazy, I was just curious and I needed answers for everything. Not knowing something drives me absolutely insane. So now tonight, I will end up sleeping right past my alarm. Sleeping made things worse. I have never remembered a dream, I feel like there's something that happens in them that I should know. Every time I wake up I try to find the answer, but I can't.

           Eventually I'll get over this I thought. But how long? How long until I realize that I just can't know everything.


           ”Now when you subtract the x you should get..." the teacher I didn't recognize droned on and on. Was there as substitute? I didn't even remember coming to class! Then I realized I didn't remember waking up in the first place. I didn't even remembered buying the clothes I was wearing, black boots up to my knees, leggings, a purple tiered skirt, a black tank top, a jean jacket, and black gloves. All topped up with my red hair tied into a side ponytail I didn't remember tying. It was probably weird to other people but it was actually my style.

 I was beginning to panic, my chestnut eyes were already tearing up. I tapped my friend Amy sitting next to me, she didn't talk, or flinch. Then I realized no one was talking and no one was moving. I tried to stay calm; slowly I walked up to go to the nurse, hopefully she could help me.

              About 10 tell men in black coats were blocking the doorway. They charged in and all the students came out their hypnosis or whatever causes them to basically be frozen, except the teacher. He just sat down in his chair and waited. He was ignoring the absolute chaos. Screaming, running, hiding under desks. I was so out of place I didn't know what to do... I quickly threw myself into a huge empty cabinet that was no longer full of school supplies.

                I peeked out, no one saw me thank god. 10 more men came.  There were now about 20 men. They chased after the panicked children each one grabbing a student with extreme force. They proceeded to walk to the back wall and stand still with the squirming children. The kids, who were apparently my classmates (I had just realized I only recognized a few of them) looked just as confused as I was. However, they seemed more focused on putting up a fight. The screamed, kicked, and punched. The men didn’t flinch but ,annoyed, they started to fight back. My “classmates” reacted abnormally quickly to everything the men did. They were completely focused.

                “Stay still!” one of the men growled. Now, they had the students in a grip so tight, there was basically nothing they could do get away. I immediately understood that, as much as I craved a fight, I stood no chance. Not to mention how outnumbered I was.

               Why were they just standing there? Weren't they going to take the kids? It seemed as if they were waiting for something. All of the sudden, at the exact same second, all the kids’ eye opened wide, and placed their hands on their heads, like they had a massive headache. A few seconds later, at the same time again, all the students went limp, like they no longer had anything to support them. It was like they all suddenly died... they just collapsed. I was pretty sure they were all breathing, and then one by one they faded into nothingness.

               The teacher stood up and clapped, “Well done, that was all the Forces Master Ziall detected, however there's a Lucid in the room too... find her at ONCE!"

               A lucid? I closed the door as soft as possible and prayed they wouldn't find me. I never breathed so hard in my life, and I'm not scared easily.

             Light shown in as the cabinet was opened abruptly. Before I could ask what was going on at hand slammed over my mouth and at least 5 pairs of hands roughly pulled me out.

             They dragged me to the teacher, one man held my hands behind my back.

              “Let me take a look at her before you kill her,” the strange teacher demanded walking closer, I struggled a little more, “I don't believe it!!! I didn't think I would see you soo soon. I'm not AFRAID of you, as you may think. I don't know how Alexa managed to tell you everything, but you and Alexa will be dead before you lay a finger on Master Ziall!"

              He gestured to the men, “Throw her away! Master Ziall has already detected her I'm sure... he'll have something waiting for her...” 

              They opened the door and threw me out... I was falling into nothingness. But really all that was going through my head was...

                What is a lucid?

                Why would they be afraid of ME? They’re the ones who HAD control of me.

                Who's Master Ziall? I’m almost snickered at the name.

                And how do they know my mother’s name?

Lucids *epic but un-edited*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin