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I think Kyle was finally starting to leave me alone to wake up by myself. Touch wood of course. I'm the past week he hasn't forced me out of my cacoon aka my bed at a ridiculous hour in the morning. The thing I had found though was the part that he has set my body clock up so I wake up when the sun comes up. So I have a reason to hate him, but I don't hate him. He's Kyle.

I gradually got ready for school. And by gradually I mean half asleep. I almost poured my milk into the cereal box. I left food out for muffin and locked up. Walking out of the house I can't help but feel like I'm being watched. I turn and glance around, no one's there. I shrug and walk to school.

That was probably an effect of the little sleep I got last night. I was practising okay, and certainly not watching TV to an in humane hour.

I arrive at the school gates and everything's going as it should be. Everyone milling around ignoring each other and causing a large amount of noise. I look closer at everything, really taking it this time. And realise it's Valentine's day. The day where guys do cute things for girls. Our school seems to take it to a whole new level, with singing telegrams, roses and teddy bears. It gets kinda annoying, but I guess that what we get for having the majority of the student council female. We have to deal with all the mushy stuff they dream up.

Another oddity of the day seemed to be as soon as I took a step into the crowd of people they parted for me. Like the red sea and Moses. Everyone's eyes seemed to be on me and I guess I looked pretty stupid walking around with a dumbfound face on. What is even more random with that they suddenly starting clapping. We are talking about the people who 6 months ago didn't have the vaguest idea who I even was. These were the people now clapping for me, like I'm some sort of celebrity or something.

I reach the end of my little "red sea" and dash quickly into the L block. Walking around the corner to my locker I find Kyle standing there.

"You too?" He asks and I cock my head to the side. What does he mean by that.

"What do you mean 'You too?'" I ask him and I walk over and stand next to him. Leaning a locker slightly.

"You were clapped in as well right?" He says and I nod. "Strange,"

I shrug and begin to unlock my locker. I guess it was strange, seriously what's wrong with these people. They must be bipolar, one minutes they are ignoring us the next they are treating us like some kind of royal. Weirdo's, I go to a school full of weirdo's. Kyle goes to open his mouth but he's cut off.

"Could the student council members and participant's in the valentine's singing telegrams, as well as Lucy Pewter and Kyle Bassin please report to the Music Library. Happy Valentine's Day!" Casey's voice rings through the PA system. I roll my eyes at Kyle. What could they want know?

"I swear to God if we are forced to take part in their stupid singing telegram valentine's day thing. I will shoot myself," Kyle says, his tone dead serious.


"Hand me the gun now Lucy," Kyle says to me and I laugh. It was true the student council for some unknown reason decided they wanted us to go around and deliver their silly singing telegrams. Just as Kyle suspected.

"Come on guys, it not that bad," Casey whines a pained look crossing her face. I kinda felt bad for her. She was vice president of the student council. That's right the loud girl from drama was the vice president.

"Really walking around, singing love songs to people. For people who are paying you money because they are cheesy little cheese balls. No Casey, no," Kyle retorts instantly. He childishly crosses his arms across his chest. As he does so he hair flops to the other side. I faintly smile at him, he's just a really big child. A large, stubborn, gorgeous child. Did I just call Kyle gorgeous? Casey goes to say something else but Kyle instantly responds with a curt no.

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