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My heart started hearing faster, and my breath got caught in my throat. Omg, omg, omg , oh my gosh!

"Luc, remember to breath," Kyle says from behind me. Breathe out, breath in, breathe out.

"I don't want to be responsible for a girl fainting," Arianna says.

"Oh my gosh, I can not, what, is it really, wow," I stutter the only thing I manage to say is Oh my Gosh. She smiles at me.

"I hope Lucinda isn't going to be like this every time she meets someone," Mr Fergusson says patting me on the shoulder. "Arianna this is Kyle, Kyle, Arianna, Arianna this is Lucy, Lucy Arianna. So know we are acquainted I am sure Miss Grande is burning to know why you were the two picked, so sing my little birdies, sing,"

Mr Fergusson did have a way of bossing people around. He sat down Arianna down in a chair and settled himself ready for our performance.

Since we are in this room every working day we just leave two guitars in the corner of the room. Originally just a keyboard was in the staff/planning room and Kyle and I kinda added to that. I take the strap and sling it over my head. I nod to Kyle and he starts strumming with me.

(I don't own this song)

"All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run, better run, outrun my gun. All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run, better run faster than my bullet," we sing. Singing the chorus again Kyle finds the lower harmony.

"Daddy works a long day. He be coming home late, he be coming home late. And he's bringing me a dark surprise. 'Cause dinners in the kitchen and it's packed in ice. I've waited for a long time. Yeah, the sleight of my hand is now a quick pull-trigger. Reason with my cigarette and say "your hair's on fire, you must have lost your wits, yeah," Kyle sings. I hate the verses they don't make any sense.

"All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run, better run, outrun my gun. All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run, better run faster than my bullet," we repeat doing the same thing we did the first time. We sing the chorus for the last six times changing it up a bit when we wanted.

I just preformed for Arianna Grande. Arianna freaking Grande!

"Just so you know Mr Fergusson chose that song, not us," Kyle assures. Fergusson hides his face in his hands rubbing his eyes.

"Well I can see that he made a good choice with you two," she compliments. Me cheeks blush red and a smile spreads Across my face.

"Well Arianna now we've them sing let's run over what your doing in the show," Mr Fergusson orders. We sit down and discuss (well, more Everyone else than me) about the show and running order and stuff like that. I just liked the fact that I could drink my coffee.

Mr Fergusson glances at his watch and decides to let us off. We shake hands with Arianna Grande again.

"Sorry about Lucy she isn't usually this quiet. I usually can't get her shut up about me," Kyle says cockily.

"Shut up about you?" I question and he shoots me a winning smile. Arianna laughs.

"You two are just to cute," she says and waves us off and we head down the hall. "Glad to get them out of the room the sexual tension was suffocating me," Arianna's voice drifts down the hall. Kyle and I break down in laughter right above the stair well. Which is actually potentially dangerous.


" I can not believe I meet Arianna Grande," I gush to Kyle. We are walking to the drama building for our afternoon classes. God I hate missing ensemble in the afternoon. I miss having Kyle following me around in band.

"I know you have said that about five times now," Kyle teases. I glare at him.

"Kyle..." I groan.

"See you just can't shut up about me," he says. I roll my eyes at him and continue to the hall in silence. By the time we get to the hall, a good thirty minutes after the bell. I think we took a long time purposefully. They were already playing some kind of drama game.

"Look who finally decided to show," miss Larissa says to us as we enter. "Any we were just finishing up that game we want to know why you two were called out of class today. HEY KIDS COME OVER HERE!"

We all sat down on the floor in a circle. A cute little gossip circle.

"Tell us!" Casey urges.

"I don't think we're allowed to," I mutter.

"Come on we won't tell a soul," Casey assures us. I look at the group of say ten people. This drama class wasn't very big, probably because it clashes with band practise!

"Well, okay meet Arianna Grande when we-" Kyle starts. Georgia lets out a high pitched scream in excitement which I join her in. "She's been like that all day," Kyle says when we finish screaming. I shoot him a glare.

"Oh and you two Mr Fergusson said it was date night, what does that mean?" Miss Larissa smirks. Every girl start giggling.

"It means Kyle has to take me in a date by tomorrow morning," I explain.

"So are you two like a thing?" Charlie asks. I swallow.

"Um, it's more of a um, a bonding ex-exercise," I mumble.

"We go as um friends," Kyle adds.

"Yeah friends," I whisper under my breath not really sure how I feel about that title.

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