16. The End

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The night had finally arrived when the gang of rats and legacies alike would unite to help Marcus takedown Chester. Lex had picked them all up in an undisclosed white van. The drive to Shabnam's house was anything, but silent. Instead, they had been recounting Marcus's disastrous diarrhea incident from earlier in the day. It was easy to slip into the teasing of the new kid, as it had been just the other day they had picked up Marcus to join Kings. But as they near the house, Lex's speed begins to slow and the underlying dread begins to fill the car.

Billy, however, is still trying to comfort Marcus, "Every great man has been hobbled by diarrhea, Ghengis Khan, JFK, Gary Coleman. Time and Diarrhea, man. They're undefeated".

Gia fiddles with a rip in her cuffed jeans pink strands of hair falling to her face as she looks down at her beat-up boots, Petra voicing her worries, "I guess Saya's not coming?"

It's not that she didn't think they could handle whatever Chester has in store without Saya, it's that without Saya it feels like their chances dwindle ever so slightly, okay, a lot more than slightly, but I'm trying to stay positive here.

"Do you think we can do this without her?" Lex asks, the question falling flat as Marcus blankly stares at a spot ahead of him. He doesn't bother to fain any confidence for them. The back door of the van slides open, although it startles all of them, there's a collective sigh of relief when they spot her. Leather jacket, cropped hair, and a sly smile.

"I doubt it," Saya tells them.

"Oh, thank god, I thought you weren't coming," Marcus says all, but grinning at her arrival, which even though Gia agrees it flattens her a little that he had so little hope, but then again hers wasn't so high either without the Yakuza.

They unloaded from the van stopping for a moment to look out at the dark house ahead of them. Billy's hand squeezing hers as they stopped just at the edge of the doorway.

"So are we ready to do this?"

They split off around the van with Maria going around back to check the backyard practically huffing as she marches away. Lex, now in closer proximity to Marcus groans, "Holy balls, Arguello, you smell like a turd fucked an oyster."

"Try sitting in front of him the entire ride here," Gia mumbled.

"We got bigger problems than Pepe Le Pew," Saya reminds them, "Chico's head is somewhere in that house, but there's no motion inside."

"Maybe no one's home," Billy suggested shifting his weight on his feet.

"Doubt that," Gia says as Petra beside her adds, "Maybe they're expecting us."

"How the bloody hell is this hillbilly riot squad gonna know we're coming?"

"They know a lot of shit they shouldn't know."

"Well if they know a lot about shit, maybe they can uncover the mystery behind Marcus' foul stench," Petra snaps.

Billy begins to skip in place mimicking a southern accent, "Whatcha got yourself here is an old-fashioned pants shitter. Likely on account, he done filled his belly on a load of hooch and misdeeds."

Gia rolls her eyes fighting back a smile at the boy beside her trying to remain serious for the sake of their plan for tonight.

Petra crosses her arm addressing Saya, "Look you want to be in charge, control freak, that's fine, happy to do it your way. But are we sure we can count on her?" She asks gesturing toward Maria who pushes her way out of some bushes making her way toward them.

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