Chapter 3. The Vlog

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Hello my fellow peeps that are probably as lonely as me☺ How are u all? Hope u feel as lonely as me☺ Anyway... Let's get into this story <3

Michael POV ooooo for a new POV😌~

I go upstairs and get ready for filming Tubbo's vlog. '𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯'𝘵 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘐 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘨𝘰𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘛𝘶𝘣𝘣𝘰 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬 𝘵𝘰 𝘩𝘪𝘮! 𝘐𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵! 𝘐𝘵'𝘴 𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘻𝘪𝘯𝘨" I thought to myself as I got dressed. I put on some baggy shorts, not too baggy to make me look like a bitch, and an oversized sweater. (AlL i Am Is A mAn!) I got a text as I was walking down the stairs. I opened it and stared at it.

Hey bub! Can I come over?

Hey love! Let me ask Y/n cause we have a.. Special guest.

Okay bubs! Ily!

Ly bubs!

(That made me feel so lonely😃)

I ran to the barn to ask Y/n if Harley could come over. "Y/n Y/n Y/n!!!" "What what what?" She asks looking at me. "Can Harley come over? Please please pleaseeeeee! I'm sure she won't mind having Tubbo around!" "Tubbo?" She asks looking at him. "Hm?" He asks looking at her. "Can Harley come over? She's Michaels girlfriend. She doesn't know of your existence so she won't go all fangirl." "Um okay." He says patting Raven. I immediately texted Harley.

LOVE!!! You can come over!!

Okay bubs! Omw! Actually I'm at your gate🤭


Byee <3

Ly <3

(I am so lonely😃🔪)

I walk to the gate and let Harley in. "Hello my love!" She says giving me a small kiss. "Hello bubs!" I say giving her a longer kiss. She looked RED when I pulled away. I laughed and we went to the stables. When we got there we saw Niki, Tubbo and Y/n on the horses ready to vlog.

Y/n POV~

"Hi Harley!" Niki and I said at the same time. "Hey guys! I'm guessing your Tubbo? Michael always talking about you!" Michael looked at Harley with a funny look. Tubbo and I both laughed so much. "Yup! That's me!" Tubbo said still laughing. "Bub why? Just why would you say that?" He asks Harley. We laughed even more. "Because, all you talk about is Tubbo!" "Go awayyyy!" Michael say shoving her away. "Lovebirds! Can we actually vlog now?" I ask them. "Sure." They say at the same time. "Thank you!"

We all walk to the paddock and start the vlog. "Hi everyone!" Tubbo shouts to the camera. "Hey guys! I'm so used to saying 'Hi chat!'" Niki says laughing. "Okay so today's vlog is a little different.. Buttt.. Meet Y/n!!" Tubbo said looking at me smiling. "Hey everyone!" I say laughing and waving at the camera. "Okay so today.. We are actually gonna- hang on I gotta take this." Tubbo says answering his phone.

"Oh no the child!" He says dramatically. "Why do you wanna come over? You wanna hang out? Ummm.." He says looking at me. I give him a small nod and he continues talking to whoever it was. "Okay you can come! Buttt.. I'm at a friends house! I'm not at Ranboos house you little mother fucker! I'll give you the address." He slides off his horse and goes somewhere else to give 'The child' my address.

I looked at the camera and said "So what Tubbo was going to say is that we are gonna just do like some piaffe, umm pirouette and passage, and then we might go on a trail ride and just go to the old willow tree and hang out there! So yea!" Tubbo soon came back. "Who was it?" Niki asks him. "Tommy." He says getting back on Mark. "Oh. That explains why you said child!" Niki laughs. "Yep. So Tommy is a child. He's about 17 and he says that he is a big man. He loves woman, Minecraft, swearing problem, dirty mind and uh yea! That's all you gotta know about him!" Tubbo informs me. "Ah okay! So I told everyone what we are gonna do today." "Thanks! So yea guys that's what we are doing today!" "Let's do a passage first!" Niki says tightening her grip on the reins. "Mhm. So follow my lead!" I said walking out the paddock.

We went to the field where it's nice and big. We ran around and had fun. "Let's raceee!" Tubbo says excitedly. "You sure?" I ask him. "As sure as........ Sure?" He says. Niki and I both laughed. "Okay. I guess we're racing!" I said tightening my grip on the reins. "So the start is by the stables and then it finishes by the gate there!" He says pointing to the stables and then the gate. "Okay." I said trotting to the stables. Niki, Tubbo, Michael and Harley soon got there. "Okay, you ready?" I asked Niki and Tubbo. They both gave me a small nod and Michael counted down for us. "In 5...4...3...2...1...GO!" He shouted. I took off galloping. So did Tubbo and Niki. Raven moved so swiftly and so quickly.

I soon got to the gate first. "Again?" Tubbo sighed as he came third place. "Yessir!" I say laughing. "At least I came second!" Niki says laughing. "Girl power!" I say giving her a high five. "Michael how fast can you go on a horse?" Tubbo asks Michael. "Not fast." He says looking at him. "Fuck." He says quietly. I laughed a little at his sudden words. "Well just proves girls are better than boys!" I say walking away. "Nooooo!" He says running after me. "It proves that boys.... Are... Um- I don't know." He says hopelessly. I laugh and punch him a little. Apparently this mother fucker starts a war out of everything! So now it's a war. "Didyoujustpunchmemotherfucker?!" He says looking at me. "No." I say galloping away to the stables. "WAR!" He shouts at me. "NO!" I shout back. Niki laughs at us fighting. "Your supposed to have my back!" I say to her. "I know I know. I'm sorry it's just too funny!" She says laughing. I stick up my middle finger to her which makes her stop instantly. I laugh a little andwe end the vlog. I walk into the stables and put Raven back into his stable and walk outside. "You fucked up!" Tubbo says tackling me. "Well fuck you bitch!" I say laughing a bit. He had pinned me to the ground showing he had won. I only just realised the position we were in. He was on top of me looking at me. His hair hanging down. Until I hear a voice.

"ELLO PEOPLE!" Tubbo quickly gets up and runs to the person I see standing in shock. "Heyo child!" He says giving him a hug. "WOMAN???" He asks looking at me. "Hello." I say getting up. "Tubbo I didn't know you talked to woman?" He says confused. "We all do! Niki, Minx, Puffy, Hannah, Pokimane everyone!" He says looking at me. "Okay time for a proper introduce-thingy-place! Anyway my name is Y/n. You are?" "Tommy! Tubbos best friend! Wife haver! So you know, woman-" he says looking at me. "Fuck off." I say flipping him off. "Fiesty one eh?" He asks. "Yeah blonde bitch." I say walking into Ravens stall. "So are you two... Y'know dati-" Tommy asks pointing to me and Tubbo. "No Tombitch." I say patting Raven. "Earg! Tubbo you gots the fiesty one!" He says nudging Tubbos arm. "Butch we aren't dating!" He says looking at Tommy. "Yeah. If anything I would rather dat Niki than any of you fucks!" I say laughing. Tubbo and Tommy looked really confused. "Mother fuckers I'm bi!" I say giving them a death stare. "Makes a lot more sense woman!" (U can guess who said that)

"Awh thank you Y/n!" Niki says. "Yesmotherfucker!" I say laughing. "How are you and Tubbo not dating? I literally saw Tubbo on top of you earlier!" He said confused. "We were in war." I say stepping out of Ravens stall. "AND WE STILL ARE!!" Tubbo says tackling me again. "Get off mother fuckerrrrrr!" I say laughing. He had me on the floor again. "You always lose!" He says laughing a bit. "NOW KISS!" Tommy says coming up to us. "Fuck off!" Tubbo says quickly getting up so that Tommy didn't push our heads together. "So you also ship them?" Harley asks. "Yes other woman that doesn't look as interesting as Y/n." Tommy says looking at Harley and then back at me. "Tommy fuck off!" Tubbo says defending me. "Awh you got your witle boyfriend to defend youuuu!" Tommy says stepping into the stables. "Who says I need defending Tombitch?" "No one! No one! No one! No one! No one! No one!" He says intimidated. "That's what I thought!" I said laughing.
Ima end it there's bc I'm tired as shit! Anyway I hope u all enjoyed! Stay healthy! Stay awesome! Ilysm <33 1525 words pog?

Far From Home Friesian. Tubbo x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora