Chapter 6. Informing the girls.

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Hello! How is u all? Listen to that song above rn if u haven't! It's amazing! I hope u enjoyed the last chapter! Onto this one :-]

Y/n POV~

After a while the movie finished. "Who's tired? I'm tired! Who's hyper? I'm hyper!" Will said energetically. "Oh my Lord Will!" I say yawning. "I'm tired not hyper!" I say laughing with him. "You gonna fall asleep in your boyfriends bed?" Tommy asked. "No he's not my boyfriend!" I tell at Tommy. "Oh come on! We all know you guys like each other!" Tommy insisted. "We don't child! No if you'll excuse us, we are going to bed! Guest bed room right Tubs?" "Yes ma'am!" He responds. "Don't turn into Wilbur." I say looking at Will. "Goodnight pussies." Niki, Minx, Puffy and I say walking up the stairs to the guest bedroom. "Rude." Tubbo says with his hand on his chest. I flip him off and walk into the guest room with the girls.

(Let's just say that Y/n ran over to her house to get clothes at one point)

I closed the door behind me. "What did you hear Tubbo say?" Niki asks. "Okay so I heard him talking to Tommy and Tommy asked 'You like Y/n don't you Toby.' And then Toby was saying some really nice things about me and then he said 'Holyshittommyithinkilikeher!' So that's why I was shocked. "OooOoooooo Y/n!" Niki shouts so the whole house can hear it. "Nikiiii! Now I'm sure everyone down stairs heard that!" I say fake pouting. "I'm sowy!" She says giving me a hug. Just then Wilbur burst into our room. "Iknewyouguyswerentsleeping! Anywaythatsnotwhyimhere! Tommy decided we should play kiss or slap!"

(Is that a real game idk?)

"Tell Tommy we'll play tomorrow. I'm pretty tired right now." I say yawning. "Okay. Bye and goodnight!" He said walking out the room. "Goodnight!" I say closing the door. "Okay I'm actually tired so I think we should go to sleep." I say laughing. "Agreed." Niki says smiling. I go change in the bathroom. As I come out I see Tubbo. "Hi!" He says happily. "Hey Tubs!" I say smiling. "We still pranking everyone?" I ask him. "Fuck yea!" He says laughing. "Okay cool. Just come wake me up when it's time to prank!" I say laughing a bit. "Mk. Goodnight!" He said giving me a hug. "Goodnight bee boi!" I said giving him a hug. I walk back to my room, get on the mattress, go under the blankets and drift off to sleep.

Like 3 hours later I feel hands shaking me gently. "Y/n. Y/n. Y/n, wake up. We have to do the pranks." Tubbo whispered. "Okay okay okay. I'm up." I said stretching. (Let's say u and Tubbo came up with some pranks earlier.) "Okay you got the toothpaste?" I ask Tubbo. "Yep! I also have the sheet, the feather, the egg, the scary ominous music and everything else!" Tubbo said laughing quietly. "Mk. Ready to prank?" I ask him. "Yep!" He says smiling. "Lets gooo!" I say. For the first prank we put some toothpaste on Ranboos hand. Second prank, we put an egg on Tommy's hand. Third prank we made a little ghost and attached it to the door sort of thing. So when you open the door the ghost pops up right into your face. Then to finished off we just put some toothpaste in front of the door. We continued doing our pranks until about 3am. Tubbo woke me up at 2am. Once we were finished pranking we went back to bed.

-next day-

"Ah fuck!" I heard Will screening from his room. I laughed and whispered to myself "The prank is working!" And grinned. "AHHH HOLY FUCK!!!!" Tommy shouts from his room. I burst out laughing. I get put of bed and walk towards him. I see him standing hy the door in shock because of the ghost. Tubbo and I burst out laughing. "Not funny! WHO EVEN DID THIS??" Tommy shouted. "Hmm, I wonder who." I say laughing.
Ima end there! Hope u all enjoyed!! Anyway remember to stay healthy! Stay awesome! Ilysm <333  Also Ranboo is back in the USA😭😭😭 I'm shitting actual tears rn!! 😭😭 he made so many memories in the UK!! But there is a bright side!! HIS DOG IS GONNA BE SO HAPPY AKXHALDIXHAVKX😍😍😍 anyway ilysm! Sorry if I made u cry🤭 749 words.

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