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The key leads them far better than Asher could ever do. Instead of randomly walking in random directions in a random creepy forest, the key pulses strongly when they're on the right path. 

Still, Cora feels discomfort at following an inanimate object, especially one that comes in the form of a rusty key. A rusty key that also happened to be in a dead person's warm hand. 

Cora shudders. 

Asher, not noticing her discomfort, boldly marches across the forest. "This is so much better than human maps, don't you think?" he declares. "One time, I was trying to find a candy shop but the human map led me to someone's apartment — and I'm not kidding, but that grandma living in the apartment got mad and tried to smack me with her cane." 

He's blabbering now, talking about all sorts of things. Cora isn't focusing on his mindless chatter about how mint ice cream matches his eye color. Instead, her gaze is narrowed on the small roots that tangle on the ground. 

It's a mossy-colored root that sews beneath their shoes. The roots seem to grow thicker with each inch they're walking and finally, Cora is confident they're going to die. Or something close to that. 

"Asher," Cora murmurs, pointing at the roots. "That thing just moved." 

Asher peers downwards, but there are only limp roots that innocently lay on the ground. "Are you sure?" He peers harder. "I don't see anything—" 

He's interrupted by a soft rumbling from the ground. Roots tear from the ground, spraying dirt and mushrooms and wet mud everywhere. The mossy roots slowly start to take form, rising into the shape of a ten-foot-high ocean wave that rears above them, prepared to kill. 

"Okay, never mind." Asher's gaze skims over the roots that sew together to create a monstrous thing with mushrooms poking out of it. "I see something. Run." 

Cora turns to run, scrambling over tree roots with Asher on her heel. But it's too late, because by then, the ground starts rippling. The roots are tearing after them, plants and trees toppling over. 

A scream escapes Cora's throat, terror rushing through her head, as one of the roots teasingly nips at her heel. Then it grabs her waist, tossing her up in the air as wind dances around her. 

"Asher!" Cora screams, flailing through the air. "Help!" 

Her eyes widen in fear when she sees just how high up she is — and then she's falling, falling, falling back towards the trees, with its deadly branches that look more like knives. 

Stomach plunging, Cora squeezes her eyes shut. Unlike before with that airplane, there's nothing to catch her. No portal, no devil with powers, no soft grass that can guarantee her life. 

"Angel, I'll catch you!" 

Asher's voice slices through the air and her eyes open a fraction. Through the white branches tangling together, she can glimpse a figure darting back and forth. 

No, a tiny voice whispers. He can't catch you. 

Not when there's a roiling wave of moss rolling after him. Not when he can't calculate where Cora's going to fall. Especially not when roots start crawling over his legs, to his body, and then completely drowning him. 

All Cora hears is a high-pitched ringing noise. Every part of her feels nothing except for the soft buzzing in her right ear. When the roots slouch away, there's nothing there. 

Her heart thuds, softening to a dull pace. Impossible. There's no way. It can't be. 

When Cora hits the ground, she barely registers the pain. Rolling over, she frantically rushes over to the place where she last saw Asher. 

"Asher," Cora mumbles, searching the grounds. Nothing except for roots that twist in her direction, aware of a moving presence. "Asher!" 

I can't lose another person. 

Her nails dig manically under the dirt, emotions pummeling down her like she's being shoved underwater, all confused and disoriented. She digs underground, as if there might be a chance Asher's trapped underground. Her nails are caked with dirt and mud, but she keeps on digging, anguish sparking inside of her. 

She's sure he's not gone, yet with every ticking moment, doubt starts to slip through the cracks. Frustration lashes at her body, a whiplash that makes her throat tighten. 

Useless, a voice snaps, fury and frustration rushing to every part of her. You're completely useless, you know that? In a place like this, where people are murderers and evil wields power, you have no use. You're only dragging everyone down. 

Cora's fingers clench into fists, fury weaving its way through her veins, before engulfing her in a wave of hot lava. She continues to dig, each movement furious. 

You know what? Cora thinks back to that voice. You're right. But I've had enough of this bull-crap where the people I love are getting killed, because I didn't try. 


Cora's voice echoes through the empty forest, a roar of a lion awakened. "Where the hell are you—" 

Before she can finish, vines and roots coil around her ankles. They slowly crawl over her legs and then tighten around her arms, twisting over her torso and then her bare throat. Air starts to cut off and when roots block her vision, making everything dark, a small smile plays on Cora's lips. 

Perfect, she thinks. 

When Cora opens her eyes, Asher is beside her, still unconscious. Thick vines wrap around Cora's body and she frowns. The ropes are a problem, but at least she isn't separated from Asher. 

"So you're finally awake, huh?" 

The shadows shift, as a high heel smacks against the side of Cora's body. Cora grits her teeth, refusing to let out a sound. 

"Well..." A feminine sigh, as pin-straight hair falls forward. A familiar girl leans forward, pink lips twisting in distaste. "This should be fun." 

"You!" Cora's eyes widen in surprise, watching as the petite girl tosses her hair — a mix of silver, sea-foam green, and lavender-purple. "You're that person who poisoned him!" 

She's also the one who caused Asher to reveal important information about Leticia. 

"Me?" The edges of the girl's eyes crinkle mischievously and suddenly, Cora's getting major déjà vu. "I've poisoned so many people, so I don't remember doing anything to him." 

To prove her point, the girl widens her eyes as innocently as possible. But it isn't that infuriating expression that catches Cora's attention — no, it's those eyes that cross between an angel and a devil. Those eyes that pool of amber liquid and dark chocolate. The same heart-stopping eyes that a dead person had. 

Author Note: 

happy halloween, everyone! <3 

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