Chapter 14

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it was the night before Luna's 8th birthday, I watched as Christina and Kayla decorated my backyard for Luna's unicorn-themed party. Luna, Christen, and Javari were all at my parent's house for the night. I rubbed my hands down my face I'm stressed the fuck out, Lia and Ariel were here at a hotel. I still haven't told Kayla about them, I just told her I invited Lia and her daughter. she was cool with it but I know she won't be when I tell her about them tonight.

I know I should have been told her but I just couldn't, I know I have to tell her tonight because the minute Ariel saw me she was going to get excited and call me daddy. after spending Christmas with them enjoying myself, I felt like shit the next day when Luna called crying because she missed me. I didn't know what to do because I always spent Christmas with Luna but I wanted Ariel to experience it with me also.

"Jared, we're finished, can you take me home, please? Kayla asked.

I nodded getting up and grabbing my car keys off the coffee table.

as we entered her house I sat on the couch with my head in my hands.

"Are you okay baby?" Kayla asked.

I shook my head no and rubbed my hand over her well-rounded belly, I can't wait to meet my son.

" I got something to tell you and I don't know how you're going to take this".

"what happen?" she asked concerned, that's Kayla for you always caring and loving.

"Um, the baby that Lia has is mine, she's my daughter".

she pushed my hands off her stomach and shook her head and stared ahead silent not saying a word, no yelling, no screaming or shouting just silence.

that's the thing with Kayla you never know when she's angry because she's always calm.

"you not going say nothing?"

"I don't think you want me to speak Jared, you are something else you asked me to invite this girl and her child to our daughter's party knowing you fucked her or could be fucking her". 

"I'm not fucking her babe, I promise we just had a one-nightstand and Ariel was the result" I lied through my teeth.

"that's her name Ariel?" she asked wiping her tears.

"yes, she is two years old, babe I wanted to tell you about her, it's just that I didn't want to see the hurt on your face". 

"So why did you invite them here then?"

"I promised Lia that I'd introduce Ariel to her siblings and grandparents".

"the only way you'd do that is if she threaten you, I know you jared if it was up to you I would never know about that little girl. well, she's here, been for two years another addition to your clan, is there anymore I should know about?".

"no, she's the only one you don't know about". I think.

"Okay what the fuck can I do, good luck with her and luna, I'm about to go to sleep you can let yourself out".

"you need help?" I tried holding her hand to help her get up.

"don't touch me, you stressing me out more than anything right now. just get the fuck out Jared, go home to Christina I'm tired of your bullshit".

I nodded and walked out, I nodded to her bodyguard and got into my car, and sped off at least she didn't leave me.


I parked in my garage and headed inside my house seeing Christina lying on the couch.

"Hey" I greeted.

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